Freyja x Hayate

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After the war, Hayate and Freyja were on the beach. They were taking a break from all the chaos. And finally they have some alone time to bond more.

The war has been though for them and all the people. All the people who sacrificed their lives for peace and harmony. People of all races were affected. But enough of the after effect of the war. let's talk about the couple.

"Freyja hurry up!" Hayate shouts to Freyja, both of them are running. "Where are we going?"Freyja says while she is breathing heavily and feeling very exhausted. "I told you it's a secret" he smiled,held her hand. "We can walk for the last bit."

"I am still curious where we are headed." "You Will see soon" they were near a pier. "Is this..." she said. Hayate giggles and says "yes it is were we first met." Freyjas stone is glowing and bumping.

She later sees a beautiful decorated table with two chairs on the sides, on it where there two plates with a fork and knife near both the plates. And in the Middle of the table there is an plate with a lid on. "Who did you get permission to be here." "Well now i am in the squadron i just asked my bo.. (coughs) uh hum the boss here and he said it was okei."

She smiles and starts to dance to the table. Hayate just walks and watches her dance. "This is so beautiful" as she grabs the chair. "Oh let me take out the chair" "thanks sweetie" she says and sits down. Hayate goes and sit on the chair. "Can i take away the lid?" "Go ahead" as he smiles to her. She takes away the lid an sees a gorgeous Apple pie. "It's beautiful" "anything for my little apple."

Hayate Immelman x Freyja Wion after The warWhere stories live. Discover now