Papyrus' Puzzles

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     You are just completing the first puzzle that Papyrus has made; you can tell that he is very brilliant, maybe more advanced than an average human! But not only is he smart, but also very kind. You continue to the next puzzle, and you look at him as he is explaining it. You look him in the eye (eyesocket, for that matter), when you start to feel... weird. You feel like your soul is pounding out of your chest, then you look away and complete the puzzle with ease. You wonder what that was about, then continue on.
     His final puzzle is so well thought out, but he doesn't use it. As he says that you would've completed the puzzle with ease, his face turns bright orange and he runs off. At that moment, you know why you felt "weird" earlier. (Y/N), you're crushing on a skeleton. A very tall, handsome skeleton by the name of Papyrus... As you think to yourself, you start to blush. You walk across the bridge trap that Papyrus had planned, trying to hide your face, but failing to do so.
     As Papyrus was talking, Sans was watching the way you and Papyrus reacted to being around each other. Sans walks up to you and says "So, I see that you are really pleasing my bro... and I appreciate it, really. But there's somethin' I gotta talk to ya about..." His eyesockets quickly become darker than a cloudy night sky as he says, "I should really hope that'cha won't break his heart, or I will have to break you. I don't wanna do that, (Y/N). But I will, if you leave me no choice." He shoots a warning bone between your feet as he disappears into the distance. Well. I didn't plan on it, ya bag of bones. You know Sans doesn't trust you with his brother, especially not alone. But you know you won't break Papyrus' heart, he is just way too nice, and you are sure people have taken advantage of him for his kindness. But you won't.  

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