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Luisa Jones Smith. The girl whose life was supposed to be perfect. She had everything a girl could ask for. A complete family, loving friends, tons of suitor, and a perfect twin brother who cares for her more than his life itself.

July 30, 2010. Luisa went to a party at a friend's house. It was her first time getting drunk and needed a ride home. Fortunately, her mother and brother are close to her location but an accident happened. Ending both her mother and brother's lives.

Things got worse after that. She was no longer the carefree girl. She was no longer Luisa to her father's eyes. She was the one who killed them instead. She was abused and battered black and blue.

She wanted to get away and live because that would have been her brothers' wish for her but she doesn't have the courage to leave her only family left. 

So she decided. She decided to join the military camp in Afghanistan that was supposedly her brothers'. But in order to go in, she must pretend to be her dead twin brother Luis Joe Smith.

Little did she knew, a man she didn't expect was bound to meet her in the way.

That is the four-star General Alexander Arnault Welkin of Special Arm Forces.


So here's my new story!

Tell me what you think guys. :)

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