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The key can't be found, I searched and searched but there was no key. I looked at the time and it was already late. I quickly ran back upstairs, out of the mansion and to my house. I stopped for a moment at the front door and I slowly opened the door and went in silently. I passed by the living room and suddenly a voice was heard it was my mother's. She was waiting for me to come back. My mother stood up from the couch and walked towards me and slapped me and started shouting

" Where were you?! You know its already midnight when you came back!"

"Umm..I was...."

"You went inside to the forest weren't you?! Why would you go in there?! You know its forbidden to enter and what happened if you got lost or got attacked on your way here?! Alright that's it, you are grounded young lady and you are not allowed to go back to the forest anymore or else we will just have to move. You understand?! If you do, then go back to your room."

 I didn't answer her back, I just quickly went to my room.

"Great, now what. I can't go back in to the forest anymore and plus I'm also grounded.Ugh! Why does my life has to be miserable?" I nagged. I am unpacking my stuff when I realized I had lost the pendant. I searched every pocket I have on my bag. I think it fell off my bag when I was running back home.

" Why does it keep on getting worse?!' I shouted.

"I just hope that tomorrow won't be even worst than today."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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