Chapter one~Hi, my names Nathan. Call me Nate

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Your P.O.V

I was walking home from the park, listening to NateWantsToBattle. My parents abuse me, and he's one of my VERY few escapes I have. I could always turn to suicide, but he's what i'm staying alive for. I also self harm. Like really bad. My moms sent me to therapy but I eventually talked her out of it. Well, more like smacked the phone right out of her hand, causing her to start hitting me, which led to me cutting again, and yeaaa. So anyways, looks like i'm almost home. 'Hey, maybe i'll get home pain free!' I hoped. Usually by now, there are a bunch of jocks who attack me. I spoke to soon. Suddenly, leader of the football team, Jeremy jumped out of the bush and tackled me to the ground. "C'mon out boys, I got 'er" He said. 5 more boys came out. I was surprised because usually including him there's only like, 2 or 3 boys. They began kicking and punching me, and then I remembered I could just turn into a wolf. Everyone in the neighborhood already knew anyways, considering my parents basically told our entire damn TOWN! I shifted into a wolf, and glared at them. The four boys hid behind Jeremy, clearly in fear. Jeremy took one step towards me, and I bared my fangs and growled so deep one could mistake me as a male if it weren't for my electric blue fur. He started walking backwards and he fell. He got up and him and his friends ran away. I chuckled darkly and turned back into a human. Thank GOD my clothes are still on whenever I shift back to a human. I began making my way home, realizing I was gonna get a beating since it was 10, and I was supposed to be home by 9:40. I sighed. I couldn't turn into a wolf in front of my parents, or they would send me to a science lab for testing. Yea, they're that cruel. I finally madeit back home by 10:04, and I felt a sting in my arm. I looked down and saw a giant bruise. I ran up my stairs before anything else could happen. But m father knew I would do that so he hid upstairs, and waited for me. By the time I got up the stairs he tripped me making me fall face first on a broken wine bottle. I got a few cuts but nothing serious. One was gonna scar for sure though, which was a long gash that started from my ear in a diagonal line to my left cheek bone. I don't even care if it scars, it'll actually look pretty cool! I quickly made my way to my room before anything else could happen. Once I made it in, I just sat on my bed. I didn't cry, because I couldn't feel week. Not from them. I heard mumbling from downstairs, but I didn't care. I went over to my laptop and started watching NateWantsTobattle. I was looking to see who was going to Indy next year, and I gasped. NATE WAS GOING! Ok Y/N, calm down. Oh how I wished I could go. I would give ANYTHING. Then as if on cue, my mother slipped something under my door. I went over to pick them up and I died right on the spot. They were tickets to Nate's panel ONLY panel!!! I put on one of Nate's songs and started dancing like a weirdo. Then I realized- HIS PANEL STARTS IN AN HOUR! I quickly started packing while still listening to his music- of course a few dancing breaks here and there, and before I even knew it, it was time to go. My mom told me to pack stuff like my devices, extra clothes, ect. I was confused, but I did so anyways, fearing what would happen to my tickets if I didn't. We drove there, and we made it with a few more minutes to spare. My parents said they were going to wait outside in the car, so I said okay. *AFTER THE PANEL* I began walking out the doors with the probably HUNDREDS of other people, in search of my parents car. Then it hit me. They told me to bring the clothes, money n' stuff because they were FREAKING LEAVING ME HERE!" I felt something wet fall down my cheek, and I realized it was a tear. The tears began falling at rapid speeds, but I kept my head down, and quiet. I was heading off to the nearest hotel, but I decided to just sit down for a bit in a corner. I pulled my knees close to me, and put my head in my hands. I heard footsteps approaching me, so I tensed up. They must have noticed because they began speaking "Hey it's okay, i'm not gonna hurt you" That voice sounded so familiar. He sat down in front of me and rubbed my back up and down. Was he comforting me..? I haven't been comforted in a LONG time, and it felt strange, but in a good way. He began speaking again. "Now that you're a bit more settled down, what's wrong"  I whispered just loud enough for him to hear me. "They left me here..." He asked me who left me, and I responded again, "My parents. They left me here. On purpose, and I know it." He hugged me and I tensed up again. He noticed and quickly let go "I'm sorry" He said. "It's okay. I just haven't felt a hug or comfort for a long time" I said. He extended his hand, and I took it. Man, he had a firm grip. My sight was blurry so I couldn't see his face. But once he wiped away my tears, I realized exactly who he was. "Hey. My name's Nathan. Call me Nate"

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