Chapter 4~

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Nate's P.O.V

After the guys ran away, Y/N started coming towards me. Deep sown inside I knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt me, but I was still terrified. She turned into a freaking wolf right in front of me! And she almost attacked the two guys. Wait, that must have been why her eyes turned orange and yellow earlier. Holy sh*t, she's coming towards me... Okay remember, she would never hurt you... but I can't risk it, she could turn savage any moment! I was about to try and squirm away, when she opened her jaw. I was terrified, and I wanted to scream, but it felt like there was a giant lump in my throat preventing me from doing so. I finally was able to speak "S-S-Stay away from me! Y-You monster!" She looked at me with heartbroken eyes. I felt so guilty. But I couldn't risk getting hurt. I saw a dagger on the ground and I made a plan. She started scratching at the rope and I was free. I ran over and grabbed the dagger and held it towards her. "D-Don't try anything Y/N! I'll do it! I-I swear!" I shouted. She still came towards me. I backed up against the wall which probably was NOT a good idea. She eventually ended up practically cornering me, and I acted out of fear. I dug the dagger into her shoulder, and she just stood there, looking more heartbroken then ever. I ran away. Not because I was scared, but because after what I did, I couldn't face her again. 

Your P.O.V

After crying for a long time, I decided to look for a job. I didn't bother covering up the scar because I thought it looked cool. I found a nearby StarBucks that had a pretty good pay. And lucky for me, it was open for hire!!! I made my way in and to the front counter and began speaking. "Hello sir, I believe you have a spot open as a waiter thingy?" He chuckled "Yes we do ma'am. Would you like to start today?" He asked. He was quite nice. "Yes please." He handed my an apron and he taught me what every button did. I told him I was ready and people came flooding in as opening started. I was first serving a young man, in his mid 20's. "Hello sir what can I get you today?" I asked kindly. "Are you on the menu? 'Cause i'd like a full serving of that arse" He said, trying to sound seductive. I wanted to puke right there, but I kept a smile. "That's flattering sir, but what would you like on the menu?" I asked again. After many flirtatious remarks and repeated statements, he finally left. The rest of the day went by normally, until I began walking home. I felt like I was being watched. I turned and caught a glimpse of a yellow eye. Could it be another of my kind..? I made my way over to where I saw the eye, and I heard a strange noise. I followed it, and I giant wolf leaped on my. It was black as night, with shimmering yellow eyes. "Y/N?" It said, I turned into a wolf and growled at it. "Who are you!?" I asked. He just started at me, before he started speaking "My name's Valiant. I'm Nathans brother." I stared at him, almost not believing him. "The only way you could be a wolf is if Nathan was a wolf!" I snapped back. "I know. In this case it's the opposite. I'm the reason HE'S  a wolf." I gasped. "N-Nate's a wolf...?" I asked, skeptical. I had a bad feeling about this wolf. "Yes" He said deviously. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU" I said, pinning him down. He was clearly surprised by my strength. He finally got me off and scratched me. I got back up and bit his neck and held him down. He squirmed, before I finally let him go. "Leave." I ordered. He ran away with his tail between his legs. I decided to continue heading home as a wolf. Once I finally got home I lied down on my bed, and began drifting off to sleep. *The next morning at work* Nothing really interesting happened, except for a certain someone who came in to the shop today. Nathan. He was next in line, and I tried to keep my head down. I raised my head up a little bit so I didn't seam rude, but he could tell it was me. "H-Hello. I would l-like a c-c-coffee please. Just a n-normal one." He said. He still sounded shaken up. I nodded and took his order. I brought it to him when it was done and he started shaking when I got close to him. He placed the money on the table and whispered. "Look on the back." I nodded and took to the money. I flipped it over and saw a note, that said "Meet me in the alley" I took note of it and continued my day. *After work* I changed back into my normal clothes and made my way to the alley. I saw Nate standing there, clearly a little scared. I made my way over, a little.. frightened..? Why was I frightened... Anyways, I continued over, and I began to speak. "Nathan, i'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry that I scared you, I was just trying to protect you." I said it more quiet then I meant to. I felt warm arms wrap around me, and I looked up to see Nate's shoulder. I latched my arms around his neck and started crying. He started rubbing my back and began singing "Nightmare" to me. I finally calmed down, and he traced the scar he clearly just noticed across my face. "Did this happen when you were protecting me..?" He asked. I nodded, not wanting to speak, afraid of crying again. Then I remembered something. "Hey Nate?" I said. He hummed in response. "Do you have a brother named Valiant?" I questioned. He gasped "Y-Yes. Did he talk to y-you?" He responded. I nodded my head. I began explaining how he said that you were a wolf too and he cut me off. "Y/N don't trust Valiant. He's a lab experiment. My father was a scientist and created Valiant in a lab. He wanted to create a cross over with a human and a wolf since he couldn't breed one, and Valiant was created." He explained. So Nate wasn't really a wolf. I was about to say something, when he did what I least expected. He kissed me. And I loved it.

Nate's P.O.V (This one is short)

After explaining Valiant to Y/N, I realized I was truly in love with her. I've never told ANYONE about Valiant, even if they asked. I did what I least expected. I kissed her. And I loved it. When we finally pulled apart, I was ready for rejection. But then she said this. "I love you Nathan Smith." I smiled. I love you F/N L/N (First name last name). And I realized. She was a wolf.



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