Chapter 4

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Checking she had everything in her bag ready for the school day, Marinette left her room and entered the kitchen, sending a quick goodbye to her mother as she grabbed a croissant to eat on the way.

Five minutes later Marinette flung open the door to her classroom, rushing to her seat. Ms Bustier hadn't noticed as she was writing on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. Marinette let out a sigh of relief.

Alya poked her with her finger. "Girl!" She whispered. "Where have you been? You're late again!"

Marinette grinned, shrugging her shoulders. "I woke up late. My alarm didn't go off." Her purse shook slightly. Marinette knew Tikki was giggling as that had been a total lie.

Marinette, as Ladybug, was patrolling the city as Cat Noir was busy and could not do it. Therefore, when Ladybug got back home and transformed to her normal self, there had been no time to take a quick nap. Marinette didn't mind because she loved helping Paris as Ladybug.

Alya laughed quietly, glancing at her friend out of the corner of her eye. "Yeah yeah, I totally believe that." Alya grinned.

Marinette, smiling as she yawned silently, turned to face the front of the class. There was something missing. Then she realised Adrien wasn't in his seat. He had no photo shoots today, nor did he have piano lessons, fencing or Chinese.

So where was he?

The end of the lesson came like a flash. As Marinette packed her school books away in her bag, she noticed Adrien's seat was still empty. So, Marinette advanced on Alya as they left the room.

"Hey, uh, where's Adrien?" Marinette asked, looking around for the blonde haired boy.

Alya glanced around too. "I don't know. Maybe he's ill?"

"But he never gets ill," Marinette mumbled.

Alya thought for a moment before grabbing Marinette's arm. "Come on. Let's go ask Nino."

They found Nino talking with Kim and Max. That is, until, Alya grabbed him and pulled him away from the conversation.

"Woah!" Nino said. "Chill out ladies!"

Alya groaned. "We're not here for you, dumbo. We were wondering if you had seen Adrien today."

"Oh, that guy?" Nino asked. Marinette nodded. "I haven't heard off the dude since yesterday. He never said about not coming to school today."

Something suddenly became alert in Marinette's mind. Yesterday night was when Cat kissed her and she kissed him back. After that, both left without a mere goodbye as they were too embarrassed to face each other.

Oh no, Marinette thought. We should have talked about it!

Alya was talking when Marinette snapped out of her thoughts. " ... so tell us if you hear off him, okay?"

"Will do." Nino walked off.

Like the end of the first lesson, the end of the day came like a flash. There was still no sign of Adrien. Even Chloé was getting curious on his whereabouts.

"Marinette!" A high pitched voice squeaked.

"What?!" Marinette panicked. "Tikki! Hide!"

"You need to transform!"

"Now?!" Marinette exclaimed. "Why?"

"It's Cat Noir." Tikki explained. "I've felt his present all day."

"Which means ... what, exactly?" Marinette tilted her head.

"That he hasn't transformed into whoever is under that mask all day!"

"Hmm ... " Marinette thought. "Adrien wasn't here for the whole day either ..."

Does that mean that Cat Noir is Adrien? It can't be, Marinette thought. It's just a coincidence. Adrien was and is probably ill and Cat Noir may just be making up for him not showing up in the morning.

"Okay," Marinette decided as she ran into an alley. "Tikki! Spots on!"

Adrien had not been at school that day as Cat Noir had been patrolling Paris all day. Luckily there were no sights of any akumatized victims nor was there a sight of Ladybug ... until now.

Ladybug landed next to Cat softly. "There you are!" Ladybug breathed. "I've been looking all over for you."

"Why?" Cat Noir asked, his tone flat.

"Okay?" Ladybug narrowed her eyes. "I was wondering if you had seen Adrien Agreste anywhere."

Cat Noir stiffened. "Y - yeah. I - I saw him."

"Really? Where?" Ladybug asked.

"Uhh ... " Cat Noir breathed deeply. "In his house! As I was patrolling earlier today, I swung past and saw him lying in bed."

"So, he's ill?"

Cat shrugged. "You could say that." He sighed silently. "Look, m'lady, I - "

Ladybug didn't seem to hear him. "I have to go Cat. Is it alright if you take the patrol shift tonight?"

This time, Cat's sigh was noticeable. "No problem. See you soon m'lady."

Ladybug winked. "I owe you!" She shouted as she swung off across the buildings with her yo-yo.

Cat slumped to the floor of the roof, cradling his hands in his lap. "If only you knew ... " He mumbled.

Meanwhile, Ladybug had just landed in the subway. "Spots off!" Tikki flew out of the miraculous and into Marinette's hands. "You okay?" Tikki nodded, flying into Marinette's purse as she left the subway.

When Marinette got home, she got changed into some more comfortable clothes, sitting on her desk afterwards to get started on her chemistry homework.

"That looks tough."

"AHH!" Startled, Marinette fell off her chair and onto the floor. Rubbing her head, she looked up to see Cat Noir staring down at her with a worried expression. He held out a hand which Marinette gladly accepted.

"Sorry," Cat grinned. "I didn't mean to scare you, my lady."

Marinette laughed nervously. "No, no, it's okay, it was my fault," she stammered. Marinette sat on her chair, gesturing to her spare one for Cat to sit on which he did. "So why the surprise visit?"

Cat avoided eye contact. "I wanted to talk to someone and you were the first who came to my mind."

Marinette felt her cheeks heat up. "Talk about what?"

Cat shrugged innocently. "Ladybug, of course."

Secret IdentityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora