Chapter 6

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"Chat! Move!"

Jumping out of the way, Chat Noir once again narrowly missed being hit by the bright beam of light that the current akuma was currently shooting out of their hands.

Chat watched as Ladybug dodged another beam of light. "Don't worry about me, Bugaboo! Worry about yourself! This Cat's got the akuma in the bag!"

Ladybug groaned, swinging across the street and onto the safety of a nearby rooftop, staring down at the akumatized victim. Chat landed graciously next to her in the next few seconds.

"So?" He said as he straightened up. "What now?" Chat's ring suddenly beeped. He only had a few minutes left. "Uh, My Lady? I, uh, have to go. Think you can cope without me?"

Ladybug sighed, her hands on her hips. "Don't worry kitty, I got this."

Chat smirked. He hated to leave her alone to deal with another akuma but his identity must be protected. With a chuckle, Chat leaped into the air and disappeared from sight.

Deciding on what to do, Ladybug used her yo-yo to swing down onto th street and in front of the akuma. "Stop!" She shouted. "I can help you!"

The akumatized victim shook their head and said nothing.

However, Ladybug failed to notice the beam of light heading her way. As soon as she realised it was coming, the akuma grabbed her arm tightly, preventing her from retreating. Then everything went black.


Marinette woke up, immediately scanning her surroundings. She was in her room? How did that happen?

Getting out of bed, Marinette headed to the bathroom. She failed to notice the abnormality of herself that was in the mirror. Turning, she suddenly let out a shriek.

Staring at the figure who looked back at her, she gasped. Well, he gasped. "What - what happened?" His voice was unusually deep. Then he remembered. The Akuma! It escaped! Obviously after hitting her with the beam of light which obviously had a negative effect on her.

"Tikki!" He shouted, running back into his bedroom. "Tikki?"

"I'm here Marinette!" Tikki floated down from the ceiling.

"What's happened to me?" The male Marinette frantically gestured at his body. A tall, very defined boy's body.

Tikki giggled nervously. "The akuma did this. After you became unconscious, I sensed that Hawk Moth freed the akuma from the victim." Tikki cringed, waiting for the reaction.

"What?!" Marinette exclaimed, clearing his throat as he was still not used to having such a deep voice.

"The victim needs to experience more negative emotions so Hawk Moth can change them back. Then you'll be able to cleanse the akuma and everything will go back to normal."

Marinette nodded. "But wait!" She - he yelled. "I can't go to school like - like this!"

Tikki shrugged. "You'll have to Marinette." Tikki thought for a moment. "You'll need a cover up before we can get you back to normal. How about Marin?"

Now called Marin, he shrugged. "Let's just get this day done and over with." He walked out the room, before storming back in. "But first I need some clothes."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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