Chapter 3: The Good And The Bad

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Laura and you stopped just outside Room twelve, you could hear what sounded like a teacher yelling at her students. "Are you ready?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. What was she so worried about? "Always" you grinned and opened the door. Everyone's head turned but you don't feel nervous, Laura quickly scurried to her seat which was in the third row. You watch her stumble and a small group of girls gigfle as one if their slender legs retreated back underneath the table.

"Miss ___ first impressions are important here, being late doesn't make a good one" the teacher said, he was an old man but you could tell by the glint in his eye he still had the mind of the young man he used to be. "It's my first day, I got lost" you said plainly as you walked towards the front of the class. "Students this is ___ ___ she has moved all the way from (your country)" He said and you raised your hand and waved.

"Sir, i do believe we are supposed to wear the entire uniform and not look like you live in a caravan site" the girl who had tripped up Laura taunted and her friends laughed. You raised an eyebrow, was that supposed to be offensive? She was pretty you would give her that, medium length dusty brown hair and baby blue eyes. Her clothing however was a different matter, "Funny thing, before I came in the strip club called they want there school girl uniform back" the whole room gasped and some burst into laughter others covered their mouths to stop them from doing so, the girl stood up she looked furious "Thea, ___ stop you two can sort out your differences at break" he said and you walked over to an empty seat.

Luckily, it was in front of Laura's and as the teacher rambled on about events going on within the coming week. Laura leaned forward "That was amazing! I haven't seen anyone stand up to Thea in a long time" she spoke animatedly you furrowed your eyebrows confused "What do you mean?" The bell rang for lessons. "I'll tell you at break" Laura said and picked up her bag and hurriedly leaving the classroom.

You went into your first class, English. You were on time with everyone else so you decided to sit right at the back. You sat down and got your books out, but you paused when you saw Thea enter the room but this time she had two friends with her and one of them sneered at you while the other watched you with predatory eyes. What was this girls problem?

"Are you the new girl everyone is talking about?" A voice asked, and they sat down in the desk next to you. It was a girl with long brunette hair and bright green eyes and in her hair was a pink crystal in the shape of a flower. "___" you introduced yourself she smiled back at you "I'm Elizabeta but oh my god you stood up to Thea! Everyone's talking about it, its goid ti see that bully get what she deserves, although it may bite you in the ass" She warned, you opened your mouth to ask you why but the teacher silenced everyone and the lesson started.

At break you found yourself a bit lost when it came to who you could sit with but a waving hand caught your attention and you saw Elizabeta, Laura and a boy, he was blonde and had very nice green eyes. You walked over to them and sat next to Laura "So are you like the bad bitch everyone's talking about?" The boy asked in an unusually feminine way, you had to admit it startled you a little. "Feliks?!" Eliza said and slapped his arm, "The bad bitch?" You repeated, he covered his mouth "I didn't mean to offend you, babe it's just what everyone is calling you" Nice to know you had already developed a nickname.

Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Thea and two other girls walk in, you leant forward "So what's the deal with them?" You whispered, gesturing with your head towards the three girls who had thrown a girls bag off her table just so they could sit down. "That right their is girl royalty in this school" Feliks said, "The girl you already insulted was Thea, she is a physcopath one time a girl looked at her boyfriend funny and she slammed her head against a locker" The girl sitting opposite Thea was a girl with hair straight blonde hair, and so much makeup it looked like she was going to a party rather than an ordinary college day "That girl their is Isla, she is the dumbest bitch you will ever meet but be careful she does know how to keep a secret tell her anything and it spreads like wildfire" Laura warned, you weren't liking these girls one bit.

The last one had wavy black hair, and porcelain white skin. Which complmented her dark eyes nicely , but there was something off putting by the way she was glaring at you. It was a sly and cunning look. That was a dangerous combination "And that last one is Sienna, she is the queen of this school nothing happens without her knowing about it" Elizabeta paused, but with an angry growl she said "She may look like your typical selfish, back-stabbing, slut-faced, hoe bag but in reality a she is so much more than that". Sienna looked you up and down and then made an 'eugh' so loud even you could hear it. You rolled your eyes.

"Are those the only bitches around here?" You said in disbelief "The other popular guys are much worse" Feliks warned. Looks like you needed to bring some justice back to this school.

*This is rewritten*
And yes I have based this off mean girls, Heathers and Riverdale and yea I'm trying to be comedic,,, help me I'm not a funny person

Introducing Feliks (Poland) and Elizabeta (Hungary) and Sieena, Isla and Thea (My own characters) Prussia should be introduced next chapter

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