Chapter 4: A Friendly Reminder

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You were walking to your locker, the bell had just rang for next lesson and it was (your favourite subject) so you were in a rush to get there. You opened your locker and reached in to grab your books when your locker door was knocked on, you grabbed your book and closed the door "Laura, what do you n-" Sienna was leaning on the locker next to you, a mirror in one hand as she ruffled her hair, Thea was giggling at her phone and Isla looked like she had zoned out.

"Don't worry I'm not that.." Sienna paused "Waffle obsessed weirdo" She laughed as she saw you get riled up, you scowled and locked your locker, you leant against the door "What do you want?" You asked, a little more hostile then you would of liked. "No need to be so aggressive" she said in mock offence, curling a strand of hair around her finger, "I just wanted to say hi to the new girl" she then grasped your wrist "And also give you a warning" Sienna yanked your wrist at an odd angle while the other two pushed you agonist the locker. You yelled in surprise being caught totally off guard, Thea then got very close to your face. "You insult me again, you little bitch and I will get my boyfriend to make your life and your little friends life hell" She spat, Isla placed a gentle hand on Thea's shoulder and she backed off, your knees buckled and you fell to the floor.

Isla then tilted your head up with her thumb "You may know how this school works yet so its basically like this -" Isla was interuppted by Sienna pushing her way infront of her. "We run this school and we can easily make your life a nightmare so if I were you I wouldn't try and be some brave hero and just be a my bitch" Sienna said in a sickeningly sweet voice before her and her group walked away. These girls meant business, looked like you would have to step your game up.

(Favourite subject) was eventful to say the least, you could hear people talking about you, they weren't exactly quiet. You even helped out a Latvian boy who had to complete someone else homework by next lesson and was struggling, so you did it for him. He was a nice kid, a bit absent minded but that wasn't a bad thing. The next lesson was an absolute bore, you tried very hard to oay attention but you kept nodding off, it was a very warm room and when the teacher yelled at you for sleeping in class you apoligized but he still wanted to see you after a school, so it was a glorified detention. This wasn't a good start. " ___ are you even listening to me?" Elizabeta said shaking you out of your thoughts, "Huh? Sorry I zoned out for a bit" you said sheepishly, Elizabeta sighed overdramatically "We have lunch now, you know that amazing part of the day were you get to shove food in your mouth" she said energetically, you laughed as she stopped at her locker to get her lunch.

You glanced past Elizabeta's shoulder to see a group of five men being drooled over by a bunch of girls as they flirted with them, you noticed Sienna and her lot mixed in among the girls. You hadn't seen these boys before but one of the boys, who was an albino caught your eye, he was seriously good looking. You nudged Elizabeta's shoulder, "Who are they?" You asked, Elizabeta looked followed your line of sight and when she saw them she gave disgusted look.

"Bad news is what they are, those are the man whores, players, womanziers what ever you want to call them" She warned, you were still so curious about them though. Especially that Albino he intrigued you, but you were a bit disheartened by what Elizabeta just said. Elizabeta grabbed your arm and started to walk down the corridor when a shout stopped both of you.

"Hey Frauleins, where do you think your going?"

*This has been rewritten*

I'm sorry I haven't posted much, I had a slight writers block and I'm still in one so sorry.

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