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    The room was dark and quiet. Some would say it was too quiet, knowing Joker he'd be making a devious fool of himself. Joker sat down in the corner twitching and spazzing excessively. He mumbled to himself incoherently while stabbing the concrete floor. The blade dragged all over the floor and dragged it up his leg. "Dum, dum, dum da dee  dum, Batsy's so dumb he's gonna get it, sliced, tortured, and burned. Batsy Batsy Batsy. HAHAHAAH HAA." He sung slowly with bundling it with anticipation.

    Sage sat tied to a heavy trunk in the middle of the room. Joker got up slowly easing his way towards her. "Hubba Hubba, baby you'll be my new creation. Layered with insanity, baked in chemicals, sliced with pain, coated with blood... And that my Dollface is just the icing on the cake." He leaned down to her ear whispering to her. Sage was unconscious and unable to defend for herself and what trials shed soon go through. "Dollface, you'll be the absolute sweet-est cake out there. So pure and smooth on the outside, poisoned core on the inside. Layers upon layers of new and dwelling pain, horror, and hell." He laughed in her ear, caressing her body.

Joker pushed the trunk towards the edge of level twenty, leading to a vat of toxic chemicals below them. It brought memories back to Joker. His neck began to crawl and he scratched at himself. The memories haunted him, hollowed his heart even more, and topped it all off with bittersweet moments.
"Mr. J please don't!" Sage had awoken looking around at her death. "Please, I'm to young for this. I can't do this, have some humanity!"
Joker laughed in her face.

"The humanity flipped like a light switch. Blown like a light bulb. I have no light at the end of the tunnel." He closed the trunk, pushed the trunk over the edge, and let it sink. He walked away unbuttoning his shirt, a wide smile wore across his pale bleached skin.

    Washed in toxic love...

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