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A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a Metal Gear Solid fanfic, so please have mercy on me. I apologize if anything isn't related to canon or is completely impossible in the canon series. I also apologize if I get any of the terminology wrong. It's been a long time since I played this game so bear with me. I also may have gotten some info about the parasites wrong. (sorry for the long asf author's note tho lol)

"How could this be!" Saying that Snake was beyond pissed right now was an understatement. It's impossible, she couldn't have gone too far after she spoke english. The parasites should've killed her before she could even think about leaving the dessert.

Ocelot sighed, "Face it Boss, you won't be able to find her body. It's best that you forget about her." He directed his stare down to the floor, feeling the putried glare coming from Snake's one good eye.

The thought of not being able to say a proper goodbye to Quiet was something that made his head swirl. He wished to see her one last time, even if she was... dead. Images of how her once porcelain skin is now rotten and horrendous makes him want to gag. Parasites really are good at their jobs, making once human bodies look like zombie carcasses. He craned his head to look at Ocelot, who was looking at him with a somewhat worried expression. A sudden rush of adrenaline came to him as he wrapped his hands around his neck, in the most tightest grip one could ever imagine. With a mad look on his face, he continued to strangle him and clawing at his neck.

"Calm down Boss," Ocelot said in a strangled voice, yet his eyes not wavering one bit.

It took a moment for Snake to process Ocelot's words. He looked at Ocelot struggling to breathe with wide eyes, effectively cutting him out of his trance. He released his grip from his neck, looking at his hands with a saddened and disappointed expression. He balled his fist as Ocelot was having a short coughing fit. He directed his gaze to the floor, feeling to much shame to even look at him after his impulsive actions.

After hearing that Ocelot was done, Snake cleared his throat, "I-uh, I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I shouldn't have used you as a way to resolve my anger." Snake felt like an idiot, he would have never even thought about doing this. What was he even here for? Oh right, Quiet. He sighed, that girl made him do unexplainable things. For example, like taking a shower in a cell, with clothes, and with her as company. I didn't really mind that though, he thought with a smile. Or when it was his birthday and she shot some boxes that revealed the message 'Happy Bitthday' with only bullet holes. Said boxes were filled with cigarettes that he would later allow for her to light one with one of her bullets, from a high altitude and great distance, when there was always a possibility she could shoot him in the head. And also playing in the rain, which involved some sort of competition with him and Quiet to see who could splash the most watet on who apparently. He mentally chuckled at the last part. It was a really sweet memory that he had locked up somewhere, in the dark place that is his twisted heart.

Ocelot exhaled, "It's fine, really. Don't think you can work me up that easily."

Snake couldn't help but chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood, "I would think that thought over twice, though."

Ocelot chuckled as well and smacked his back as Snake headed towards the door. After a few minutes of roaming about Mother Base, and a conversation with Miller and Ocelot about some equipment, he noticed it was already nighttime. They eventually parted ways and said their goodbyes.

Snake was remarkably tired today, even though he really didn't do anything at all today. Apparently his sense of direction was affected too because unbeknownst to him, he was heading to what used to be Quiet's cell. When he finally realized where he had wound up, he immediately yielded in his tracks. He thought for a moment of what he could do, and nothing occurred to him except to go in. Was it stupid? Maybe. Would it make his head throb as he remembered all of the memories he shared with her? Probably. But it really didn't matter to him. He wished to see the place in which she slept once more closely. Checking that no one was around, he hesitantly opened the cell, and stepped in.

Looking around, he saw nothing special, save for a bed and a shower. He sighed as he let himself fall down to the floor and stared at the metal walls. He let his eye lose focus as he was slowly starting to drift into unconsciousness, his mind filled with thoughts of Quiet.

The days that Snake was actually able to sleep, you see, were actually filled with nightmares. If he was lucky though, he'd be caught in a dreamless and plain sleep. If he were ever to have a pleasant and good dream, he would take it as a miracle. But such things never happen in a world like this, they can't, it's too evil and corrupted with hatred and war.

Though somehow, a miracle was bestowed upon him that night. He dreamt that he was with Quiet, under the rain again, being childish, similar to that previous event with her. However, this time they were under a forest, surrounded by mother nature. This organic setting was much more preferred to the artificially built Mother Base. Apparently they were playing some sort of game of tag, and he was it. Their laughter resounded throughout the whole area. Just when he was about to catch her, a male voice broke into his dream realm. He was suddenly out of that beautiful raining forest, and his vision became hazy as it was slowly coming into focus.

"...wake up Boss! Boss wake up! Come on Big Boss!" The male was becoming aggravated, Big Boss was not reacting. He shook his shoulders as an attempt to get him out of his dream-like state. When he saw that he was finally gaining some focus he let go and waited till his eyelid was fully opened.

"There's an intruder currently engaged in combat with some of the troopers. It seems like we can't stop her! Most of our men are down! Big Boss you need to hurry!" The exasperation in this guy's voice was evident.

Snake nodded as he stood up and quickly went to follow the soldier to where the supposed intruder was attacking.

When Snake finally got there, he was a bit confused. All he saw were some tired men pointing with their guns at something that wasn't there. When Snake got closer, he saw something that made his blood fall down to his feet.

That black mist, is so familiar...

The realization suddenly hit him like a truck as he thought about this person's possible identity.

Could it be... No it can't. Can it?

He was awestruck as he saw a familiar body and face materialize in front of him. He recognizes that raunchy outfit and green eyes from anywhere.


A/N: So I hope you liked my lousy attempt at writing this first chapter. In case your confused, apparently Quiet's body wasn't found in the dessert bc she escaped before she could die. Which doesn't make sense because she wouldn't have been able to get out before the parasites killed her, or at least in my fic. Venom Snake or "Big Boss" (not really) wanted to find her body so he could pay his respects.

Lol this fic is obviously gonna get zero views.

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