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A/N: I'm surprised people have even read this. Well, here goes my horrible excuse for chapter 2. I Hope it's not complete trash :)


His mind was a jumbled mess right now. He's brain was flooded with emotions as he saw Quiet defiantly stare at the men that seemed so insistent to kill her. Confusion as to why she's here, or alive for the matter. He was sure she was dead, or at least about to. But at the same, a flash of relief engulfed his features.

Snake approached the soldiers encircling Quiet and made a gesture with his hand signaling for them to put their guns down.

When Quiet caught sight of Snake, she immediately lowered her rifle, and took a calm stance. She waited for him until he approached her more closely. Then, she suddenly felt a gloved hand on her bare shoulder. For a moment, they just stared at each other's eyes deeply, him at her sharp green ones and her at his hardened blue ones.

Snake was the first to look down, and as he did, he shooed the other soldiers so they would leave them both alone. He needed to ask her so many questions, but most of them probably can't even be answered by Quiet herself.

Quiet was starting to feel uncomfortable, his hand was still gripping her shoulder. She craned her hand to get his attention, until he finally looked at her. What are you doing? Hey! Are you okay?

He finally realized that he had been staring at her all along, and he felt like such an idiot. Damn! Ugh what's wrong with me today? She just confuses me more and more. Part of him didn't really mean to stare that intently at her, his thoughts just made him unfocused.

And he hated it.

He hated how just her presence made his mind a horrendous mess. Thoughts would wurl in his head whem he looked at her. Her confident air made him feel some sort of... pride. Yeah that's it, she's developed so much since we've met. I can't help but feel proud of her, that has to be it.


He directed his gaze at Quiet's face again, only to be greeted with a worried expression on her part.

Come on, answer me! What's wrong with you? Quiet was getting annoyed at this point.

Oh no. Shit! She caught me staring again. Snake cleared his throat, in attempt to regain his composure. "I, umm... we should get you cleaned up." He said. Quiet was suddenly a bit self-conscious of how her skin looked. The dark patches of dirt suddenly became much more noticable, her eyes picking up every spec of dirt residing at the somehow, still smooth skin. She hummed in acknowledgement. Snake smiled, "Ah, and don't worry I'm fine."

Quiet narrowed her eyes. You're lying, aren't you? Though, you better get that smug smile out of your face. She eventually nodded, and followed him as they walked side by side.

Suddenly, worry splashed on Snake's eyes. Miller isn't going to be anywhere near happy when he finds out about this. He groaned and ran his fingers through his dark hair. He can't do anything about it, he'll have to live with whatever I say. That thought gave him some reassurance, and he just hopes Kaz won't make a scene. How Ocelot will react he doesn't know, but he would rather not think about it for now.

Quiet shot Snake a side glance, and raised an eyebrow. She's never seen him get worried over anything in particular. It was quite... amusing actually. What's he so worked up about? Then Miller came to her mind. Oh yeah, right, Miller. He still works for the Boss. Huh, I fucking hate that guy. I don't see any sign of him though. I hope Ocelot is a little bit more accepting. Then again, I don't even know if I did the right thing coming here. What if I'm still a threat? What if one of them gets infected? No, I can't let that happen. Especially to the Boss. I wouldn't be able to live with the burden of knowing that I deprived him from speaking his native language. Or with the possibility of him dying, because of me. The thought made her shiver. She acted on impulse, and that was not good, but time will tell if her desicion benefitted her or not, the latter being more likely.

"I see you're still not talking," said Snake, in an attempt to relieve the tension. Quiet only nodded and shrugged her shoulders. Snake took the time to think about what her still being here and alive actually meant. He looked off into the distance and thought of what could've happened. Thinking of all the possibilities made his head hurt. He hoped there were answers for this strange phenomenon that otherwise would be thought impossible. Snake was not one to believe in miracles, so that was out of the question.

They suddenly came to a halt, and stood in front of the door. Snake sighed, "Let's see what Ocelot has to say about this."

Right when he was about to turn the doorknob, they both realized something...

He was still gripping her shoulder.

A/N: So there goes my mediocre writing. This took some time to update bc I suffered from the most horrible Satan's curse that is writer's block. But today I felt inspired to write for this fic again! Let me know if anything mentioned here doesn't make sense to the canon story! That would mean a lot ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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