Chapter One

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Sitting down in front of my desk, I open the file with my new mission on it and read it aloud to myself.
"Agent Withers, this will be the hardest assignment you've had yet. There is a major arms dealer a few towns south that has been murdering every client they've had or are currently making deals with. We've heard that their hideout is somewhere in the deep patch of forest surrounding the town of Laya. Scope out this hideout with Agent Adams, and make sure to get video evidence of one of the murders. Arrest him and wait for the police if you can, but if he struggles, which he will, do not hesitate to take him out. Good luck."
  "Arms dealer huh...? This should be fun." I say to myself quietly.

I walk over to my closet, and look through my dresses. I can't wear any other clothing on missions because I find my dresses to be more suited to my movements. They're all quite beautiful, and sure they make me stand out, but they also make it easier not to be suspected of doing any harm. One dress in particular stands out to me. It has a bluish-green floor length skirt, with a beige top and long see-through sleeves. It is decorated with little specks of gold and gold decals here and there. I gingerly grab it out of my closet, and bring it with me to my bathroom. I've never worn it before, because I was told when the time was right that I would be drawn to it. I don't remember who told me this, but I've had the dress for ages.
Closing and locking my bathroom door, I slowly begin to strip down from the current dress I'm wearing. I look at myself in the mirror and let out a soft sigh. I have scars all over my body from missions. Starting to feel self-conscious with my body, I look up to my face. My beautiful emerald eyes stare back at me as I run my fingers through my waist-long, flowing blonde hair. I turn my attention away from the mirror as I turn the shower on and slowly step into it.

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