Chapter Three

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Jack was taking his time getting to the stables so I took advantage of the time to groom Willow some. I was so engrossed with grooming Willow that I didn't see Jack walk into the stables. He clears his throat and I jump slightly.
"Don't do that, weirdo." I grumble.
"Do what, shorty?" He grinned down at me.
"Sneak up behind me, or call me shorty." I pause as I stand up and jump onto Willow quickly. "Now come on freak, we have a job to do."
I kick Willow's side slightly and take off into the woods, leaving Jack behind. I've always loved nature more than anything. I've had a special attraction to animals and nature more than I have had with anything else in the world. I never knew my family, so I never had much of an attachment to other humans. The earliest thing I remember about myself is being found by the person I now call boss at The Agency, and that was when I was 5. Being an assassin is the only thing I've ever known.
While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Jack finally catch up with me.
"Silva?" Jack asked beside me, slightly worried.
I smile over at him, "Yeah? What is it?"
"Are you okay?"
I laugh quietly and shake my head.
"You worry too much Jack, I'm fine."
He sighs, not convinced, as I smack my reins on Willow a bit and go off in front of Jack.
"This is gonna be a long ride..." I whisper to myself.
I slow Willow down to a slow walk as I quickly grab an arrow from my back and push it into my bow. I focus on where I heard the sound of a person walking.
"Silva what is it?" Jack said coming up to me. I looked over at him sharply as I positioned my arrow at the person in target.
A young child comes out from behind the brush and I slowly put down my bow down.
"P-please don't hurt me..." The young boy whispered.
I slowly get off of Willow and crouch down to the small boy. "Where are your parents?"
He quickly runs off into the woods and I reach out to grab him.
"Silva, we have to go. Come on." Jack said, pity feeling his voice.
I sigh and get back into Willow's back, kicking her side lightly.
"Shut up." I snap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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