Entry 2 - 8/12/01

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I'm back, on my first mission now. Making an update before I get to caught up with this. Cause I have kind of run into an unfortunate problem. I hadn't even been partners a day and I was already starting to like him. I was determined not to show anyone my true feelings. But in doing so I caused a lot of tension. I went from this really nice and string agent, to a terribly rude and standoffish one. In only a day mind you. The tension I caused was so think it felt like it slowed down time. As if I were working, moving through molasses. From the meeting, to the breifing and throughout packing we didn't talk. Just looking at him made my brain explode. His sharp chizzled features, his tan skin so perfect, and his beautiful shallow green eyes with yellow and orange swirls. It was like a double beach sunset that you could see all day, everyday. His dark hair framed his face making him look like a god. All in all he was hot. I dreded to think we would not become friends. I dont think I could live without being around him. Signing off until we talk again.

   A/N Hope you enjoyed reading, I know its short but I only have so many ideas right now. As always enjoy and read on.
         ~ Pascale23561

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