Chapter 3. Deserted Town

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"Huh, I've never been to this town before. It seems like it was built in the middle of no where." Natsu said with confusion.
"Maybe it IS build in the middle of no where!" Lucy said.
"Alright chill out, let's just go find somewhere to eat." Said Natsu.
As they were looking for some place to eat, a citizen comes running up to them and says...
"YOU gotta help me! They're after me! All of us!" Said the citizen.
"What are you talking about?" Said Lucy.
"The Whole town is being controlled! Someone put this device on their head and it controls them!" You have to save this city!" The citizen said with fear."
As the citizen was telling them about the city, a big group comes and interrupts them.
"Oh no! Here they come!" Said the citizen.
"I'm all fired up! Let's roc- what are you doing Lucy? Let go!"
"YOU can't hurt the citizens of this city! Lucy said.
"Ok ok, well we have to run then and think of something. Let's find some where to hide." Natsu said
As they run and finally find shelter, they have forgot something, something that is very important.
"Oh my god! I left the board!" Lucy said with shock. "We have to get it back! That's the only way finding our guild members!"
"Ok let's go!" Natsu said.
Lucy and the others have went back where they got ambushed.they find something very strange.
"What are they doing? Are they...guarding the board?!" Happy said.
"Ugh they know we would come back for it. Like the plan at the other city, you grab it and I'll distract them." Natsu said.
"Got it." Said the other two.
"Hey! Come catch me! I'm over here!" Natsu said happily.
As he said that more and more came out and overran him... but then he found something strange.
"Hey I can burn the device straight off their heads!" Natsu said.
"Then do it!" Lucy said.
As Natsu burns all the devices off, he finds a big and dark cave.
"Wait for me out here, I think this is where the man that did all of this stays." Natsu said.
"Good luck!" Happy said.
Natsu walks down the dark cave and sees a very bright light. He goes to it and finds the man who did this. He was sleeping. And he brought him out of the cave.
"Hey guys, look! He's sleeping!" Let's draw on his face!" Natsu said.
"No, we need to beat him up!" Lucy said. "Wake him up."
"Okayyy!" "OKAY, WAKE UPPPPPP!" Natsu screamed very loudly.
"What the heck! What are you doing!" Said the man.
"YOU better not do this again!" Natsu said.
"And why would I listen to you?!" The man said.

(Natsu burning him ATM)

"Ok ok I'll NEVER DO IT AGAIN PLEASE STOPPP." The man said while crying."
"I think our work here is done." Happy said.
As he day light was burning, it was already 10pm. They found another spot to camp again.
"Awwww we didn't get to eat!" Natsu said hungrily.
"I know I could 4 fish right now!" Happy said.
"So the plan is... we go back to Magnolia, and go to our guild hall!" Lucy said.
"Yeah some might be there still." Natsu said.
"We will leave first thing in the morning!" Lucy said. Will they find there friends at Magnolia? FIND out next time on FairyTail: Then next story!


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