One and Only

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"Kagome Nichols get up now!" My mother's voice screeches up to me.

Grumbling incoherently I slip from under the delicate covers of my bed, zombie-walking over to my wardrobe and pulling out my stupid school uniform. Going over to my desk I hit play on my iPod doc, instantly calming me as 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Guy Sebastian sounds through its speakers.

Slipping into the plain white button up blouse and hitching up the ugly plaid skirt, pulling on my knee length white socks followed by my black converse. Running the brush through my shoulder length black hair before pulling it into a high ponytail and tying a thick orange ribbon around it.

That's when I hear it. That kami forsaken tapping on my window. I shudder knowing full well who it was; I grudgingly walk over to my window, pull my curtain open and stare into the icy blue eyes of my irritating neighbour.

Smirking mercilessly at me through the glass. Rolling my eyes I open the window.

"What do you want?" I ask icily

"To see my favourite girl" he replies smugly

"She's not here so fuck off"

"Yes she is, I'm looking at her" he leans ever so slightly closer

Narrowing my eyes at him I turn away. I loathe that boy next door. I do, I hate him so passionately that I have vivid daydreams about pushing him in front of oncoming traffic. Horrible I know but we are talking about Kouga here.

"Go away Kouga"

"Nope not until I get my kiss" jumping through my window and sitting on my bed

I glare at him, sighing mightily I think of a plan to free myself

"If you leave Kouga I'll give you your kiss at school" I smirk playfully at him



With that he leaps back out of my window. Grabbing my back pack and iPod of the doc I make my way downstairs. After two spoonfuls of weetbix and quick farewells I'm out of the door and heading towards my hell. Turning the volume up and ignoring the world I failed to notice the fact that I had attracted a stalker.

It was not until I reached my best friend's house that I noticed him. Scoffing and flipping him off before heading into Sango's yard I watched as he strutted off in all his conceited glory. Banging obnoxiously louder than normal on the front door then waited impatiently for her to rear her head so that I could tell her about the new level of annoyance that Kouga had reached.

But what stunned me most was when Miroku Smith, our other friend opened the door for me. We stood there gawking awkwardly at each other.

"Miroku you lecher what are you doing here?"

"Umm Sango let me stay the night." blushing ferociously

"Well tell her to hurry up I have to vent Kouga reached new heights this morning"

Sighing at my bitchiness he entered the house and went in search of Sango. When finally they both appeared dressed and ready to go both beaming at me like sunshine twins on uppers before Miroku took her hand and walked ahead of me, leaving me gaping at the hidden meaning behind 'staying the night'. Running to catch up to them both I glare.

"What Kagome?" Sango asks

"What the hell have I missed here?" I say gesturing to their intertwined fingers.

Blushing worse than ever Sango looks at the ground seemingly interested in her pink converse.

"Well ah you see Kagome..."

"We're together now" Miroku jumps in happily

And for the first time all morning I smile

"It's about freakin' time"

With that we begin walking, laughing and talking about all sorts of crap. Knowing full well Sango would give me the full scoop in PE. We made our way into our rollcall room completely oblivious to what was waiting for the two of us.

There sitting on our desk in all her slutty glory was Queen Bitch herself, Kikyo. Sneering at us as we approached the desk. Narrowing our eyes at her silently warning her that we were in no mood to deal with her drama today. But as usual not getting the message she continued to sit and sneer at us. She even turned to us when we sat down.

Anger bubbling to the surface I hardly realise what I was doing. I stand up; face heating up out of rage, shit this will not end well. For her... I shove her violently off the desk with so much force she hits the floor then smashes into the desk in front.

Standing up with a huff she struts her way over to her posse.

"Kagome Nichols, principal's office now!" the teacher screeches at me

"See ya in PE Sango"

"Yeah good luck Kagz"

Grabbing my stuff and walking towards the principal's office, knowing full well that I was going to get a lecture and most likely detention for violent behaviour. Sighing and rolling my eyes I burst through the door and into the office.

"She sat on MY desk, sneering at ME I had every right to push her sorry arse off"

I freeze completely taken aback, noticing that the principal was actually already talking to a boy. Said boy turned to face me, a look of pure amusement on his breathtaking face.

Now if you have to know I have a secret, I'm totally a hopeless Romantic so bare with me as I describe what I'm seeing right now.

The boy I have previously mentioned, his eyes are this mesmerising golden colour, his hair fell in silver torrents to his mid back. He had tiny fangs, claws and holy nachos Dog ears!

"Yes Miss Nichols I'll talk to you in a minute okay"

Taking that as a 'get the fuck out of my office' I leave. Sitting patiently in one of the comfy seats, his receptionist, who we all called Lady Keade, smiled at me.

"Here again Kagome? What did the conniving bitch do this time?"

"Sat on my desk sneering at Sango and I so I shoved her off"

"Fair enough"

With that the old girl went back to work. Smiling to myself, humming and tapping like I usually do in this situation.

"Well Mr Brooks I hope you find this school a happy environment, now just kindly wait out here I'll have a quick word to Miss Nichols then she can show you around"

InuYasha stepped out of the room, whilst Mr Hardy beckoned me in. Our eyes lock for a moment before he looks away. Blinking in confusion I turn to Mr Hardy and smiling sweetly at him.

"Now Miss Nichols, we have talked about this issue so many times I'm surprised that you are still being sent here because of it. Now I know before you start arguing, just how much Miss Rees bugs you and bullies you and your friends but please violence is not the answer"

I nod keeping my mouth shut in these discussions keep me from being suspended and my mother from knowing.

"But on another note, the boy out there he is new and as a punishment you will be his buddy this week, showing him around and helping him settle in no complaints and your mother does not have to know you missed your pill this morning agreed?"

What pill?!

Instead of voicing my confusion I simply nod at him.

"Good now off you go, and stay out of trouble"

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