No More

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The next morning on our usual walk to collect Sango and InuYasha I told Miroku everything. He seemed to be just as happy as I was that things were slowly going to go back to normal. We rounded the corner and the sight before us made my stomach drop and my head to pound.

Sango had taken a protective stance in front of a pissed of InuYasha as Le Plague shouted accusations at him. Miroku and I ran over to stand beside Sango as we listened to what Kikyo was saying,

"But Yashie poo I love you I will not allow you to lower your standards back down to that thing" she spat eyeing me like I was hell on earth

"Keh Kikyo if I went out with you I would be lowering my standards to bellow dating a goat so just get the fuck away from me"

"What's all the fuss kids?" Sesshomaru asks as he walks out of the house "oh I see"

Kikyo turned to look at him, glaring daggers. But Fluffy seemed to care less his ice cold stare boring into the slut in front of us.

Unlocking the door to his Holden he motions for us to get in with nothing more than a sigh. We do as ordered we all didn't feel like fighting with Fluffy today, even InuYasha seemed to be thankful for the demons appearance. Climbing into the front seat Sesshomaru shoots me a look before smirking

"Out of all the girls in this world Kagz you had to make an enemy of this one" he states

"Oh shut up Fluffy" I mumble at him

His smirks grows

"So Yash would you really date a goat before you dated Kikyo?" Miroku chimes in

"Hmm Keh I would never date Kikyo ever! You know that 'Roku"

"Okay but I don't think Kagome would appreciate you cheating on her with a goat just keep that in mind" and that's all that was said until we reached school.

Fuck. My. Life.

All over the school there was a picture of me in my bra. Tears were building up faster than my anger and humiliation was, Miroku was the first to react running forward and tearing down as many pictures as he could he was swiftly followed by Sango and InuYasha. My body failed me and I fell to my knees crying. Cant I catch a break?

"Like your surprise slut?" a voice sneers from behind me

My temper was quick to react. I spun round and started punching and kicking the shit out of Kikyo as I screamed insults at her. Pretty soon I felt Sango by my side punching and yelling along with me.

"Boys get them off her!" Mr Hardy's voice bellows from somewhere

"No give them a little longer" Miroku says

"Yeah the bitch deserves it" InuYasha agrees

Mr Hardy seemed to understand making no more orders. When Sango and I are finally worn out we get up off of the bloody mess that resembles Kikyo and walk over to the boys and Mr Hardy.

"Girls-" Mr Hardy begins but I cut him off

"Yeah, yeah your office we know the drill" I huff hands still shaking with anger

Completely defeated we march into the office Keade gives us a thumbs up before letting us into Mr Hardy's office.

"Boys wait outside I have to speak with them alone"

With a hug each they leave. We turn to face Mr Hardy who was believe it or not trying to keep a straight face.

"Now girls first of all I should not be saying this but well done that was quite a beating and I'm proud to say that you have both just won me a hundred bucks. But unfortunately I will have to suspend you both for violent behaviour, I'll inform your parents wait outside til I call for you"

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