Ah Hell

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"Sango how are you doing?" I ask as I eye her curled up form

She sniffles lightly

"I feel horrible Kagz. I’m hurting him not to mention Kohaku too"

I lay down beside her wrapping my arms around her

"Sango did you what you thought was right Kohaku told Miroku he was thankful that you did something about her"

There was a silence then a light tap on the door

"Come in"

Kohaku peeks his head around the door

"Kagz can I...?"

"Yeah of course I’m just going to go see Miroku"

I shut the door behind me giving Souta a look before exiting the house mindlessly humming to myself as I head to Miroku's house


Holy jumping Mathew Banana Beans! I think I may have just pooped myself

"Sorry Kagz didn’t mean to scare you"

"Miroku? I was just coming to visit"

"You don’t say" he says sarcastically pointing to the house I stood in front of

"Get in I’m going to see Yash"

Doing as told I hop in beside him, and then I notice the look on his face

"She’s fine 'Roku, honest she and Kohaku are talking it out right now"

Sighing heavily her blinks a few times

"Everything’s gone to shit huh?"


"All this shit! First Kouga then the InuYasha Kikyou bullshit and now this!!! A woman driving her step kids out of their own home and away from their father its just not going well this year it’s all just shit!"


We had come to a stop in front of InuYasha's house.


"Yeah it is shit"


"Its just so hard to watch you two go through this. I mean the love of my life and my sister it pisses me off. I love you both you know it. and I hate that you’ve given Yash the power to hurt you again, don’t get me wrong he's a brother and all but after the stunt he pulled I just can’t trust him much. If I had the power I would protect you and Sango regardless of what it’s from."


"I think that’s a bit drastic"

"You’re both so broken. For different reasons. Your father broke you and your mother and I’m trying so hard to piece that back together then Yash comes along and breaks you then Kylie completely shatters Sango"

He had tears running down his face now; this was the first time I’ve seen him cry ever. I wrap my arms around him trying to calm his trembling form.

"Miroku there’s one thing you forgot"

"What is it?"

"We have you, you have us annnnd this year is almost over we have like six weeks to Christmas"

"Next year shall be better for us musketeers"

"Hells yes it will be!"

He hugs me before we clamber out of his Ute. He throws an arm around my shoulders before leading us up to InuYasha's front door.

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