One ~ Missing Keys

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Lucy's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, letting out a yawn. Stretching, she pushed the covers off of her and climbed out of bed.

"Time for a new day," She announced to no one in particular. Standing, she headed over to her wardrobe and began to dig through it. She grabbed a pink tank top, a belt and some blue shorts as well as a pair of black flats before heading into the bathroom. She made sure to lock the door just in case Natsu and Happy managed to get in again before running a bath and stripping off her clothes. She stepped into the tub of warm water and laid back, relaxing.

Knock knock.

Lucy sighed. "Coming!"

That's weird. Usually people don't knock before coming into my apartment. Huh. She thought, stepping out of the tub and wrapping a towel around herself, before going over to the mirror and starting to brush her hair. She dried it as best she could with a towel and brushed her teeth, then changed into the outfit she had picked out. She left the bathroom, still rubbing at her hair with the towel. The blonde walked over to the apartment door and opened it, letting out a small gasp at who she saw.

"Yukino? Well, this is a surprise! Do you want to come in or--" Lucy started.

"Lucy-sama!" Yukino interrupted, bowing. "I'm so sorry for coming without telling you first, but I must ask - do you have your zodiac keys?"

Lucy blinked, surprised. "My zodiac keys? Why wouldn't I have them? They're right here on my..." Lucy trailed off, remembering she hadn't collected her keys from her bedside table yet. "You know what? Why don't you come in? I'll make us some tea and you can tell me what's going on."



"No no no... Where are they!? Maybe they're in here? No! Ugh! Where did they go?" Lucy cried, rushing around her apartment. Meanwhile, Yukino was seated in the living room, clutching her silver keys to her chest with a worried expression.

The mages had sat down together, and Yukino had explained to Lucy that when she woke up that morning, Libra and Pisces' keys were gone. She had searched all over for them, but to no avail. She had decided to come and see if Lucy's zodiacs were still with her, since her silver keys and Ophiuchus' key were still there. The blonde had gone to her bedroom to grab her key ring, only to find out that there were only five keys on it, and they were her silver ones. Now she was running around, trying to find her golden keys.

"Do you think it may have something to do with Princess Hisui-sama and Eclipse?" Yukino asked as Lucy entered the living room for the seventh time.

Said mage skidded to a halt, sighing. There was no use in getting worked up. She needed to keep a clear head to work this out.

Slightly embarrassed, Lucy plopped down on the seat opposite Yukino. "It might be..." It's only been a week since our spirits went rebel... She thought, interlocking her fingers infront of her face. "Then again, it could be that they've taken back their keys..." Her expression became sad at the thought of her spirits, her friends, deciding to terminate their contracts with her.

"Mmh..." The girl across from her sighed, looking down.

"We should head over to Fairy Tail - Loke's a member so he might be there, and even if he isn't, we can ask the rest of the guild to help us find him and the other spirits," Lucy said confidently. Yukino nodded and the two stood.

They then left the apartment and hurried towards the Fairy Tail guild hall.

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