The boy who lived

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After the war Harry Potter went to the Weasleys. He lived a happy life with Ginny so close to him. A year after the war the Weasleys and Harry celebrated Voldemort's falling down. It was then Harry realised someone had saved his life, he had totally forgotten about. Narcissa Malfoy. He thought he should write her a letter. So when everyone was going to sleep after the celebrations he took a pile of pieces parcment and started to write. He finished his letter when dawn approached, scribbled Narcissa's name on the envelope and waked Pigwidgeon to send the letter.

On Monday morning Narcissa Malfoy woke up from a ticking noice against her window. Her husband, Lucius, was already at the ministry. She was glad he was allowed to keep his job. She got out of bed and opened the window. Immediately a tiny owl flew just over her head and crashed on the bed. It had an envelope attached to its claw with her name written on it, so she took it and started reading:

2 may, 1999

Dear Mrs Malfoy,

I hope you and you family are all right.
I wanted to thank you for saving my life. I know I wouldn't be here without you but I didn't really realise that before tonight, one year after the night you saved me. I just wanted you to know I'm very greatful for that, so if you ever need something, feel free to contact me because I owe you.

Yours sincerely
Harry Potter

Narcissa thought a while about what she just read. First she gave Pidwidgeon some food and then she started writing a letter back.

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