Chapter Sixteen

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Not being completely oblivious, he knew that something was going on. He'd spotted Sophia whispering in corners with Arthur and everything seemed very serious, but when Arthur was willing to go that far to keep him out of things, Danny knew better than to poke his nose into the mix. He trusted Arthur. So he ignored the tension and focused on enjoying his time with Marshal.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" Marshal asked.

Danny gave him a smile. "Yes. I am absolutely sure. We are going to have fun today." He didn't have to mention that he was drugged to the eyebrows; Marshal had watched him take his pills before they'd left the house. He was buzzing along on a wave of synthetic serenity, feeling untouchable by anything bad. The only thing he wasn't enjoying was how spacey he felt, as though his head was an over-inflated balloon barely attached to the string of his neck.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" Marshal waggled the fingers of his left hand invitingly.

Danny looked at it for a long moment, the sun shining down on his head as they stood in the parking lot. There was the sound of children laughing and cheerful voices all around them. And Marshal wanted to hold his hand in public.

He licked his lower lip and reached out to take Marshal's hand. It felt like the right decision. It made him feel safe.

The New Iblis Municipal Zoo was something that he believed in and had poured a lot of money into. Today was the grand opening of the Children's Learning Exhibit and for the first time he had accepted an invitation to appear, though Sophia had made sure everyone involved with the event understood that he wasn't to be singled out and he would not be making any speeches.

Danny didn't think there would ever come a time when he would be comfortable in the spotlight. Enjoying a grand opening though, it was something he thought he could pull off as long as he wasn't facing it alone.

"I love the zoo," Marshal said. "None of these animals are locked up in teeny tiny cages, are they? I've never been to this zoo before."

"Whoa, info dump," Danny teased. He held out his gold leafed invitation as they approached the VIP ticket stand and were let in.

The zoo was closed to the public for this event, though his money had guaranteed that his request was accepted. Which was why the children of the Wyndstrom Home were being herded around by their minders. They looked happy to have a day out, and he'd arranged the full zoo experience for them--hotdogs, soft pretzels with drippy cheese, stuffed animals and balloons, and crates of educational books for them to take back to the orphanage.

It felt good to see the children happy and to know that he'd had a hand in it.

There was something so great about being able to give something back to the community. Starting with the most disadvantaged members. It was why he'd chosen the Wyndstrom Home as one of his pet charities. They were children in need and it didn't exactly take a fortune to keep them in clothes and a few of the luxuries that other children took for granted.

I sound so privileged, he scoffed mentally. It was why he didn't like to talk about his philanthropy. Thinking about the response other people would make if he were to speak his heart made him want to cringe with personal shame. He couldn't handle it.

Here you go, Aunt Lauren. I made this for you.

What kind of crap is this? Do you honestly believe that this quality of work is going to get you anywhere in life?

No. I'm sorry.

You should be. Now go put on that outfit I got you. We're having guests later.

Okay. I love you?

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