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I was looking for ideas for this book in boyfriends school in my library and I found the chapter of "When Fangirls Find You". So that inspired me to make my own chapter about the same thing. The book that I got the idea from is MeCookieEater so thanks to her!


You and Lukas have been dating for about a month and were currently on your third date when you met them. The fangirls.  You were enjoying a picnic when you saw some girls emerge from  the woods. They looked like this was the first time they ever saw the outside world. They saw your boyfriend and started having what looked like a silent heart-attack. Lukas noticed that you weren't looking at him, or more importantly, the food. He looked behind him and saw the fangirls. He didn't seem to care at all that they were there. He just shrugged and went back to eating. You, having decided that eating was far more important, ignored them for the rest of your picnic.

When Lukas was walking you home, you noticed that they were following you. Lukas didn't notice, or didn't care. After he left, someone knocked on your window. You opened your curtains, and saw the same girls who followed you. You closed your curtains.

You were watching anime when you heard a crash. A girl, with blood all over her, came running into your living room. You recognized her as the 'leader' of the fangirls. Following her were the rest of the fangirls. "Hey!" The leader called out to you.

You were speechless. How DARE they enter your house! "What?!" You finally answered, kind of annoyed.

"I don't like you." The leader sniffed. "But I'll tolerate you. Anyway what I'm trying to say is, if you EVER hurt our Norgay, then we will slaughter you."

"Uh o-of course!" You stuttered.

"Good! Now, you never saw us. Bye!" The leader ran off with her 'team'.

You spent the rest of the night thinking about them and wondering who this Norgay character was.


So you just decided to have a normal walk with Emil. After awhile some "suspicious" movement of leaves behind you. You decided to glance behind you and what you saw was terrifying...... There were girls... And they were all staring at you and Emil.

"Hey, Emil?" You asked.


"Can you look behind us? Just for a second."

He (smartly) looked behind you two.

"Yeah, um we should probably run away now." He quickly nodded in agreement.

So now you were running for your lives back to your house.


You were so lucky (note the sarcasm) and met one of HIS even more crazy fangirl. (By that I mean even more crazy than the average fangirl.) She was also mean.

You two were just talking, on a park bench, when he had to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately that left you at the mercy of the fangirl.

"What are you doing near my man!"

"Excuse me?"

"What are you doing near FINLAND"

"Finland? Who the heck is Finland?"

"Don't lie to me!"

"I swear! I have no idea who you're talking about!" By now you were a little scared.

She looked at you like you were lying. "Okay, so the guy you were hanging out with? Stay away from him."


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