Random Idea #1

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Basically I'm taking the word count from each 'real' chapter, and placing you and your boyfriend in whatever year it is. (This will make more sense after you read a scenario.) (May not be very historically accurate.)

|Lukas| 786 (Nothing really happened in 786 but in the 700s Vikings were terrorizing Europe, so I went with that.)

Lukas was off with his Viking friends terrorizing England and you were waiting for him to come back. I mean you would've gone with him, but spending a year in a giant rowboat didn't sound like a good time for you. Besides the food at the fair your village had was amazing and you couldn't give that up.

Speaking of which, you were at the fair now, enjoying the food mentioned in the last paragraph, and watching two people try and wrestle each other to the floor. Then you noticed one of the fighters looked oddly familiar. Like saw that person everyday before they went of to invade England familiar. It's Matthias, Lukas's friend! If he's here than Lukas might be here.

You looked for him for about 30 minutes before you found him eating lefse with a buttload of butter.

"Lukas! You're back early!" You exclaimed when you got to him.

"We had to come back for more swords and shields. Also we had to drop off Hans, Jens, and Kari because they all lost limbs," he explained. You nodded, without any armor because they're peasants and can't afford it, people lost limbs all the time.

You two spent the rest of the day together until he had to leave again.

|Matthias| 1421 (In Denmark an idiot king was tearing apart the Kalmar Union And causing wars. Also Middle Ages.)

You were walking back to the small mansion(or manor) that you and your husband, Matthias, owned. Matthias was a Vassal, (and in that word was something you called him when he made you angry,) and you did not have to take care of 156 children, so you two were well off.

Anyway the serfs were having a small revolution and you had to tell Matthias about it.

"Matthias, the serfs want paid vacation days," you commented sitting down on the plush chair. Matthias looked at you weirdly.

"I told them that we don't get paid vacation days and we work more than three days a week but they won't give up."

"I'll reason with them later," Matthias sighed. He constantly had a small brick shaped hole in his life, that occasionally made him sad.

"How about we talk about our awful king to get your mind of the brick thing." You suggested, mentioning your idiotic king, who for some reason thought it was okay to tear apart the amazing union you lived in.

|Berwald| 235 (The Crisis of the Third Century starts in Rome. Of course the setting for this scenario takes place in Scandinavia, but that's pretty much all I could find.)

A crisis was currently going on in Rome, but you didn't care that much because you live in Scandinavia, and it's hard enough to live here without worrying about some crisis. Also, it was winter, and you were freezing your butt off.

You and Berwald were getting wood for the fire because it faded out a couple minutes ago. Berwald was cutting wood, and you were getting random sticks for the fire. Unfortunately that meant you had to go into the woods, and farther away from the house. WHERE YOU MET A GIANT BEAR, AHHH!! (Muffled 'save the baby!' in the background.) No, I'm kidding, I just have writers block.

So you got the fire back up and went about your daily lives before one of you unfortunately died due to the terrible health care back then.

|Tino| 1539 (Late Middle Ages, Finland is being run by Sweden. I know that's not the best explanation, but it's like 11 and I'm tired.)

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