Something's up

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Topanga's POV
I sat with Corey of course on the bus ride and what was strange was at the beginning of the bus ride Maya and Josh were sitting by themselves on there phones typical teenagers anyway the next time I looked back they were sitting together Josh was holding her hand Maya was asleep on his shoulder my thoughts on this 1.Adorable and 2. Shawn and Corey are going to kill Josh any way back to present time we got home and Riley and Maya went straight to the bay window Maya and Riley are probably telling eachother everything that's happened but I had a job to do I had to tell Corey and Shawn everything about Riley and Lucas but more importantly Maya and JOSH
Shawn's POV
I just got a call from Topanga to come over imediatally (sorry i forgot how to spell for a minute) I'm scared something must've happened to Corey or Riley or MAYA....

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