Titan! Eren x Shy! Reader PART 2

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You rode and lost sight of your squad. Just then the abnormal got closer and your horse got scared and threw you off it. Now you were on the floor with an abnormal closing in on you. You checked behind you and 4 more abnormals were charging at you. You knew you were going to die. There was no way out of it now. You clutched the locker your mother gave you as tears streamed down your face. You watched the giant hand of the Titan come closer and...
Nothing. The hand just stopped and dropped. You checked behind you again and there was the bodies of the 4 abnormals, stream pouring off them. Titan blood covered you from head to toe and all you saw was the smoke and body's, but wait.. What's that in the smoke? It looked like a human! This was the person who killed the Titans! Immediately you scampered off the floor and ran to the person, without even bothering to look at their face you hugged them and sobbed into their chest.
"Thank you, thank you so much whoever you are. I-I was gonna die! You saved my life!-"
You felt a hand gently stroking your hair and soft whispers of how everything was going to be fine.
"Shhh it's ok. I've got you. I'm here." It sounded like... No.. It can't of been..
"E-eren? Is-is that you?.." You whispered so quietly that I didn't even think he'd hear me.
"Yes, (Y/N), it's me... You-your welcome."
You looked up and he was sweetly smiling down at you. It made you feel warm and fuzzy (Not in a perverted way XD). You got had a weird rush take over your body and you found yourself leaning in closer to his face. He did the same, you two were now on centimetres apart and.... BANG! A noise erupted from behind you too you both pulled your faces away but were still clinging to each other. You could feel him tense up.
"Shit." You heard him mutter under his breath. You both looked up into the sky and saw the red smoke. Fuck. Titans. Just then there was another BANG and debris came fly at you. Eren tried to shield you but a bit hit your head and you fell to the floor. It all went black...

Your eyes fluttered open (haha you thought I was gonna leave you on a cliffhanger! JK here you go). It was at first rather hard to get them open as you were whizzing though the air. You felt warm arms around your body carrying you bridal style. Then it hit you, Eren had picked you up to get away from the Titans. Wow. Attractive. You thought in your head. You heard muttering which snapped you out of your thoughts. It sounded like.. Yes.. It was coming form Eren.
"I can't loose her. No I won't let myself. I don't want her to die on me. Please."
"(Y/N)! You're awake!" You flew to a nearby tree and landed on one of the massive branches. Eren put you down and started to check your forehead. There was a few minutes of silence while he checked you for cuts until he stopped checking you and stood up looking down at you.
"Eren? What's wrong?" You asked puzzled trying to stand up but only to slump back down onto the tree. You saw a tear escape Erens left eye and slowly roll down his cheek. He bent down and crouched next to you.
"(Y/N)... If this is my last moments.. I just wanna say.. I-I... I love you (Y/N) (L/N).. And I will never ever let you go again..." He pressed his forehead against yours he closed his eyes while yours were still wide with shock. He liked you back? He never showed it? Or did he? What about all the times he was caught looking at you? Well you brushed it off as nothing back then but now you knew why! He liked you!
"Eren... I-I like you t-t-too...."
"Oh thank god!" He said rather loudly "I thought this would ruin our friendship!" He passionately kissed you on the lips your body's moved perfectly together. It was amazing but all too soon it came to an end. Both of you pulled away,looking into each other's eyes.
"(Y/N). Please. I need you too stay safe because what I'm about to might just kill me." What? No! I can't let him! "just hear me out, (Y/N). I really do love you and so I've replaced your gear with mine. It should have more gas now. Go. Find Armin and Jean. Their squad is over there. They've got horses in tow. Go to them. Get back safely and if I... Don't make it... I will always be there (Y/N), always." Before you could protest he kissed you, then zooming off. He turned around and your eyes met you both had teary eyes. You saw him bite his thumb and activate his Titan ability. You shielded your eyes from the light and when you looked back his Titan was already in the forest but made slight contact with the glowing green orbs meeting you (e/c) ones. You thought of what he said. Go. Find Armin and Jean. Their squad is over there. They've got houses in tow.
You did as you were told and flew off towards Armins squad.

Remember, (Y/N), I love you and always will.

There you go! I finally finished it! YAAAS! I really hope you enjoyed this two part one shot! And thank you to the person who suggested this one! I mentioned them in the last part check them out they're awesome!
Word count: 902

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