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Two pairs of red eyes glinted in the moonlight. A limp body sat close by, covered in matted fur and dried blood. 4 kittens were stationed next to a small black she-cat.

"Ravenheart, what do we do? I certainly can't feed them and we can't leave the kits here alone with Sharptooth. He'd murder them for sure" the she-cat said, her eyes glinting with uncertainty. 

2 of the kits mewled with hunger, the others were well on their journey to Starclan. 1 she-kit was bleeding mildly from a scar on her chest, but the 2 cats didn't notice.

"Nightfeather, you take the kits and get a queen to feed them. I'll escort Sharptooth after you leave. At least she'll be with Dad from now on" the tom said before leaping off into the undergrowth.

"You kits need names don't you. Silverkit, Dewkit, Morningkit and Sunkit. They're easy to remember." She said before quickly burying the dead kittens, gathering the living and sprinting towards home. 

Deep in the undergrowth, sat a angry and writhing cat, with blood smeared on his claws. His paws were tied, so he was immobile. The black tom, jumped into the ditch he lay in and sat guard next to him.

"Graystar will have a bone to pick with you when you get back. Especially when you killed his sister. " the tom spoke in a deathly tone. 

The tied tom was writhing violently as the black tom dragged him away towards camp.

"Let go of me, you piece of fox dung!" the tom howled, fighting the strong grip of the black tom who dragged him. He fought and fought the grip of the young tom, but to his dismay, he was stuck.

When they reached the camp, the young tom, leapt onto the highest point in the camp, and howled at the top of his lungs, "Sharptooth killed Mintpetal!". 

The clan howled with dismay as Graystar, the leader of Stormclan, leapt to challenge him.

"Ravenheart. The first thing I must ask you is why do you accuse 1 of my best warriors of murder?" Graystar asked. 

Ravenheart was shocked, but stood his ground like a loyal warrior would. Of course he was still young, becoming a warrior only halfmoon ago. His sister, Nightfeather, her mentor had just died 2 days before and her apprentice was just apprenticed this morning.

"I have accused Sharptooth of this action because, if you check the fur between his claws," he said, showing Sharptooth's paws.

"If you notice, in-between his claws, is fur. The color of the fur is a light greenish color. The unique color of Mintpetal's fur." Ravenheart exclaimed proudly. Suddenly, Sharptooth broke from his shackles and leapt behind Ravenheart and tackled Nightfeather. They wrestled on the ground until Nightfeather pinned him.

Nightfeather snarled in his face.

"Goldenblossom, Foxpelt hold him down" Graystar spoke.

"Wait a minute. Mintpetal was to have kits. If she's dead, what happened to them?"Willownose asked.

"They're ok, thank Starclan." Ravenheart said, stepping down to comfort Nightfeather.

"Everybody go back to sleep. I will take care of Sharptooth. 

As everybody went back to bed, one little kit was awake in her nest. She was replaying everything that happened in the last few minutes. She was welcomed to the forest by her sisters, who died at birth, then she watched her mother die in front of her. 

She awoke with her brother next to a strange she-cat who smelled like her mother. She was scared but her brother told her to be calm and fall back asleep, for everything would settle in the morning. But the she-kit did not go back to sleep. She laid in her nest, talking with her sister, when something struck her.

She shouldn't be seeing this. She isn't supposed to remember anything that happened. And somehow, somewhere in her heart, she knew Starclan had plans for her. She settled next to brother and let his heartbeat lull her to sleep.

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