Chapter One

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I stretched my limbs as I climbed out of our nest. My scar glinted against the sunlight as I warmed my pelt. The scar was a memory of my mother, but it was also the place where Sharptooth had clawed me when I was born. 

I try not to think about it, but every now and again it brings back memories from the night I was born. Sparrowkit and her siblings were already outside, playing mossball. I prodded Dewkit roughly and leapt out of the way as he dove for my left flank. 

As we play fought, I thought of the daunting night my mother was killed. Dewkit thought about it all the time too. 

We would sneak away from Willownose and Maplescar at night and talk about it on the oak stump. No other kit knew about our amazing memory, but my older siblings, Nightfeather and Ravenheart knew very well. We tried to keep it a secret between us, but I asked one night who killed Mintpetal. Dewkit launched me towards the nursery roof. I spun in mid-air and pinned him down with one claw.

"Woah...if claws are involved, leave me out." He said, wiggling out under my grip.

I leapt after him, matching his pace and position.

"Here, lets share a thrush," Dewkit said, pulling one of the birds we caught in the camp.

Feathersky was so proud of us. She was like a second mother to us. But Nightfeather was better. She visited us every day. 

Then Ravenheart would take her place and sometimes he'd take us out to Starlit fields and we'd gaze at the stars and play chase. Dewkit dragged the thrush out into the eating area of the camp and settled in. We chowed down, enjoying every second of the airy taste. 

From a young age, 2 moons to be exact, we were weaned off of Feathersky's milk. She had gotten a disease Nightfeather said was blackcough. She was put deep in the forest where she was to eat 3 sets of herbs everyday.

Nightfeather went every third day. Eventually, she starved to death, but she is safely in Starclan now. Suddenly, clouds covered the sky and rain poured down as fast as you could say mouse. I felt compelled to adventure and play in the rain puddles, so I scooted away from Dewkit and dove into the apprentice's den. Mothpaw was always fun to play with. 

 But she was not in the den. So I went back outside and quickly leapt into the nursery. Every kit and queen was taking their sunhigh nap except for Willownose's litter, Sparrowkit, Frostkit, Amberkit and Bramblekit, They were tormenting a poor mouse in the corner. Before I could think, I dashed over and performed a surprise attack on the mouse.

I seared my claws through it's body and dealt the killing blow before it could squeak it's goodbye.

"Wow Silverkit. You got some skills. Wanna have a tournament? We could take all the kits and Mothpaw and see who's the best fighter."Sparrowkit suggested.

"Thats a great idea! Let me get Dewkit and we'll go out and fight" I said, skidding around to our nest.

" want to go out there? In the rain? I think we should wait fr the rain to stop. What if we get hurt?" Amberkit asked nervously.

"You such a downcast Amberkit! Come on, rain never hurt anyone right?" Frostkit reasoned. 

I jabbed Dewkit on the nose and waited for the torment of claws, but it never came.

"Come on Dewkit, we're going to have a tournament out in the rain." I said, prodding him again. 

He didn't wake up. Suddenly, the landscape changed and my father sat in front of me, his starry pelt glistening in the rain.

"Silverkit. Listen to me and never forget what I am about to tell you. The glistening shadow will halt the destruction." He said, before fading away. 

I blinked again and I was back in the nursery. Dewkit stared into my eyes and somehow, we knew what each other was thinking.

"Dewkit, there is a reason I have this scar, and I think it's part of whatever Blackshadow just told us and there is going some sort of destruction. We have to tell Nightfeather" I hissed.

"Well we can worry about that later. Let's go have are tournament" Dewkit said excitedly. 

(AN: Something important happens and Dewkit COMPLETELY ignores it. LOL) 

I scampered off behind Dewkit to begin our tournament. Even though Nightfeather should know what Blackshadow said, I followed the others outside and into the rain. We all got in our respective positions. First to fight, Bramblekit against me. 

He began circling around me, then he dove in. I leapt over him and flipped him by digging my paws around his legs, then turning him onto his back. I won. Next, me and Frostkit. I won.

Next me and Amberkit. I won. Next was me and Sparrowkit. It was a very close battle. I finished her off with my aerial attack. Last, but last but not least, was to fight my brother.

"What are you doing, you all are going to catch a chill. Get in here this instant!" Maplescar howled over the intense rain. 

With our tails drooping and heads down we padded back inside. 

'Man, now I know we were going to get it'

And we most certainly did. Maplescar lectured on and on about how we could have gotten sick and stuff like that. I wasn't listening and I sensed Dewkit wasn't either. I was thinking about Blackshadow and his words. I was scared...we were scared. But my mother was watching us Starclan.

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