Part 1

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Alarms rang through my head, causing a major head ache. Almost feeling like a migraine. I groaned loudly. I grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm before scrolling through Josh Dun's Instagram. He's like my boyfriend, he just doesn't know it yet.

I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor, now normally I'd be all surprised, like oh my I fell on the floor, I'm Dun with this day, but it's become a daily routine for me. I stood up and put on the nearest hoodie. I quickly went down the stairs to see that no one is home.
I laughed evilly. I plugged my phone into my speaker and blasted heathens by twenty one pilots. Ahh my life is complete.

I danced my way into the kitchen and grabbed a yogurt and a spoon. I unwrapped the yogurt and shoved huge spoonfuls of it into my mouth, still dancing. Wow I just have the most exciting life, am I right? I ran upstairs and admired my twenty one pilots poster. They are so cute with their beanies and their cute little outfits. I love them so much

I am determined to meet them.

I switched my speaker out for my head phones. I slipped my converse on my feet and walked out the door. I'm gonna go to Lacy's house. She's been my best friend for 7 years now, I think I have the privilege of just walking in her house without permission or knowledge that I'm coming over. Lacy isn't exactly a fan of twenty one pilots, which is okay. She says the lyrics are just too depressing for her. I understand, the lyrics aren't for everyone, only few understand.

I knock on her door and instead of waiting for an answer, I walk right in. I go up the stairs and into her room, smiling when I see her dancing to damned if I do ya by All Time Low. Now that is a band she loves. Maybe not her favourite but she does listen to them a lot. I cough a little to get her attention. She jumps then falls over, I laugh hysterically in response.

"This is not funny, Amber" lacy said before she chuckles a little.

"It's not funny yet your laughing" I respond

"Oh shut up" I smile and roll my eyes playfully before helping her up. My best friend is so beautiful. Beautiful in a heart stopping way. She has long, black hair and piercing blue eyes. I wish I were her sometimes. I don't really find myself unattractive, but I don't find myself attractive either. I'm just kind of here.

"So, why are you here?" She asked, her bright blue eyes have a flash of curiosity in them.

"I don't know actually" I laugh "I just got bored and walked here I guess". She laughs with me.

"Well you can stay for as long as you like" she said "well maybe not too long, if you stay over for too long the world will be in world war three and everyone will wish that we weren't born in the same time period" she adds, I laugh in response. Not only is she beautiful, but she's funny too. Not gonna lie, I get jealous of her some times. I don't show it though.

"Anyways, you should probably go, my parents will be home any minute now" lacy said

"Okay, I'll text you later, love you bestie" I said

"Love you too" she responded. We're honestly friendship goals. Actually, I take that back, Josh dun and Tyler Joseph are friendship goals. I strive for our friendship to be the same as theirs. I walk out her door and head home. My mom is probably home by now anyways. My mom doesn't really care about where I go. She doesn't really care about anything actually. Not after my dad died two years ago. My pain still grows strong, but I know he's in a better place now. I guess you could say I learned at an early age not to trust the pantaloon.

Once I got home I went right back to scrolling through social media, of course. An ad popped up really big on my screen. Ugh I hate ads. I stretched my thumb out to exit out of the ad but stopped midway when I saw Tyler and Josh's face. I read the ad.

"Are concert tickets too expensive for you? No need to worry, you can win free tickets to a twenty one pilots concert now. All you have to do is write a paragraph about why you want to see twenty one pilots live and how much you love them"

My heart skipped a beat. Is this even real life? Am I dreaming? I HAVE to write this paragraph right now. Hopefully, I'll win these tickets.

I clicked on the link and got to work on my paragraph.

Maybe my dream of meeting twenty one pilots will become reality after all.

Authors note-
Sorry this chapter is a little short. I'll try and make the next one longer. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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