Faith and leather wings

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I sit up trying to cover myself (even though im still in my jeans and tank top) "who are you and what do you want" he just smirks and places the food and drink down beside you on the night stand then sits on the edge of the bed and takes the gun away from you "daryl, daryl dickson and im the one whi saved you from becoming thoes walkers next meal" i look at him "so you were the leather wings" i say as i look at the vest that was on the bed railing "yeah *chuckels* it was my brothers vest but its mine now had to kill him he became a walker i normally dont take it off but i was trying to make sure you were ok so i laied down beside the bed and i never caught your name?" I look at him god thoes blue eyes are just heart stopping "cheyenne i dont have a last name anymore i dropped my dads last name and never knew my moms maiden name" he looks at me and then smiles "well cheyenne when you can stand up and not fall down i want you to come down and meet everyone " he gets up and walks over to his vest and grabs it and puts it on i ask him "where am i" he looks at me before he walks out "alexandria" i shake my head with thanks and he walks out i atempt to stand up and walk down stairs and into the living room to see more people standing there and with daryl siting on the window he looks over at me and gets up "well sunshine i see your feeling better guys this is that girl i saved back on that run cheyenne meet the group guys cheyenne" i waved shyly as everyone began to introduce themselves to me i walk over to where daryl is sitting "can i sit with you" i ask he smiles "sure go ahead " he says as he moves so i can sit by him "you have any family or group around here" asks rick i look out the window i can feel tears filling up my eyes "no i woke up one day i guess when this started and found my family eaten by these things since that day ive been traviling alone till daryl saved me from them " rick shakes his head and walks out of the room upstairs i watch daryl tells me "his daughters up there shes bout a year old now lost her mom had to be cut out of her and then later killed she turned into a walker" i look at him "a what?' I ask "a walker you know the dead peopel that walk around there eating everyone" he said "oh" i say as i wipe a tear away from my eye hopeing he didnt see "come here its going to be ok" he takes me in his arms and i cry "you can stay with us we will keep you safe dont worry " he says as he rubs my back and calms me down i shake my head "where will i stay or sleep" i ask him "well my place if you want i have an extra room i never use" he says i look at him and smile "thanks daryl that means a whole lot to me " i say. That evening he shows me to the room in his place "you can sleep here" he says as he opens the door to revel an empty room with only one bed in it "thanks again daryl" i tell him as i walk into the room and lay down on the bed "well night see you in the morning" i tell him as i kick off my boots "night" he says as he walks out of the room and down staris. I fell asleep but not for long i was scared awake by the worst nightmare of my life. So i get up and walk downstairs only to find daryl siting infront of a fire stairing into it i see him and try to quietly walk back up but i stub my toe and he looks over real quick to see what the noies was and he asks "what you doin up you were asleep last time i checked" he says as he turns back around " i was but then.....but then i had a nightmare so horrifying it felt so real" i say as i fall to my knees at the bottom of the stairs crying daryl comes over and helps me up and walks me over to the couch and sits with me and lets me cry on his shoulder "yeah youll have thoes and dont worry youll learn to live with all of it i know i did" i look up at him "what do you mean" he looks down at me his blue eyes barely reflecting off the fire due to his brown hair "i had to kill my brother he turned into a walker" oh im sorry" i say as i look back at the fire with him till the next morning when we were awoke by someone banging like a crazy person on the front door

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