What a day

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I wake up the next morning to find myself wrapped up in daryls arms i smile and turn over "Hey sleepy head wake up" i say as i kiss his lips he doesn't move "Oh so your gonna be like that Oh well guess I'll go take a shower by myself then" i say as i get ready to take his arms off of me they tense up and squeeze me in closer "no you aint your gonna stay right here with me " he says as he cuddels me back up i laugh "daryl i need a shower bad " he let's go and sits up "last one to the shower is a walker" he says as he jumps up i jump up after "ok then " we both dart into the bathroom and i jump into the shower cloths and all "haha beat ya " he looks at me "think so huh " he says as he turns on the shower spraying me with cold water "ahhh daryl Dixon you asshole" he smiles and stops "never said I wasn't one " i smile and start to remove my wet clothes "well your my asshole " i say as i turn on the shower to hot water and start to rinse off daryl joins me then he starts to rub my shoulders and kissen my neck and rubbin me and while things are heatin up i get this wave of nausea i jump out of the shower and vomit daryl get out and puts a towl around me and holds my hair while rubbin my back "you ok " i shake my head and fall to the side of the tub " im so sorry daryl i dont know what came over me " he looks at me then helps me up and runs me a bath "soak in the tub and relax im going to get some stuff ill send carol over and she can look after you till i get back " he says as he helps me in and kisses my head "daryl please let me go i want to be with you " i say as i grab his hand he smiles and says " i promise I won't be long" he says as he leaves you in the bath about five minutes later carol shows up "Hey daryl said you wernt feeling to well and asked if I could come check on you and be with you till my shift starts " she says as she sits on the toilt "yeah I don't know what happened me and daryl we fixing to have a littel fun in the shower when i get this feeling in my stomach and boom i puked my guts out" i say she looks at me and says "ok this might be a wierd question but did you and daryl have sex before today" she asked me as she stands up "yeah yesterday when we got stuck at that house with all the walkers outside we were waiting them out and one thing lead to another and " she stops me and says "your pregnant " i look at her and then say "shit hand me a towl we need to go see Denise now " i say and i start to get up carol hands me a towl i get out and dried off i take one of daryls shirts and put it on then my pants and me and Carol head over to Denise to see if im really pregnant we get there and Denise asks us "what can I do for yall" carol looks at her and says "cheyenne might be pregnant her and daryl had unprotected sex " Denise looks at me and asks "how long ago was this" i look at her and say "yesterday " "well go take this and come back" Denise say as she hands me a home pregnancy test i go into the bathroom and take it them come back out me carol and Denise all sit there then after five minutes we all look at the test only to see two dark pink lines on it " Oh fuck how am I going to tell daryl that im pregnant " i ask as i sit down on a chair "well why don't you just tell him tonight " Denise says "ok but for now till he gets back carol can you get me some yarn and knitting needles im going to make a baby blanket for this littel guy or girl" i say as i put a hand over my stomach  carol looks at me and asks "what color " "green please or whatever color we have here " i say as i get up to go home later that day after carol brought by the needles and yarn i was humming a Lullaby and knitting on our bed as daryl walks in and is watching me he has something in his hand I knew what it was "what are you doin" he asks as he walks over to kiss me on the head "makein a baby blanket" i say as i look at him and smile "a baby blanket?  For who " he asks i stand up and put his hands on my stomach "for us " he looks at me and gets a huge grin on his face "your really pregnant " he asked as he wraps me in a hug "yeah I found out earlier me and Carol did Denise had me take a test and i see you thought the same thing to i saw it in your hand " i say as i run my hand through his hair to reveal his blue eyes filling with tears of joy "cheyenne you've literally just made me the happiest man on earth " he says as he spins me around "we have to tell everyone tonight we will have a big meeting here for it tonight daryl ran down stairs and i  heard the door slam and looked out the window to see him run over to ricks place and inside i go back to the bed and sit and continue to knit the blanket that would one day hold mine and daryls littel bundle of joy hours passed by and i had finished my blanket after casting it off i walk down stairs only to find everyone in the living room "daryl people are here " i call as i sit in a big comfy chair everyone is looking at me "do you know why were here cheyenne " asks Abraham i knew why they were here it finally clicked to me " me and daryl will tell yall when he decides to walk his ass in here" i say as i holler the last part then he comes in with a big smile on his face and says "guys me and cheyenne have huge news " daryl takes my hand and says "were pregnant " everyone's in shock and congratulating me and daryl on the good news "daryl what on earth do you have cooking" i say as i stand up "its not daryl its me " i hear a fimilar voice then standing in the kitchen window was carol and her casserole i smile and we all go in there and eat after dinner we all go into the living room to social daryl looks at me trying to keep my eyes open "well guys me and cheyenne are going to hit the hay shes fighting sleep" daryl says as he stands up with me in his arms the only ones left were Rick, mishone, and Carol everyone had eventually gone home "yeah it is getting pretty late ready to go home" Rick says as he takes mishones hand she nodds her head and with a goodnight they left "ill wait till you guys go upstairs then ill put out the fire and leave" carol says as me and daryl walk upstairs me and daryl get to the room he gets me in bed the cuddels up behind me with his hand on my stomach and wispers in my ear "this is my dream family me you friends and now this littel bundel" he kisses my head and with that we were both out like a light

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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