Chapter Nine: Cyrus' POV

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Cyrus' Fate

Chapter Nine
Cyrus' POV

~Three Hundred and Eleven Years Earlier~

"Cyrus," I heard my mother call from the house. "supper's ready; go get your brother!"

"Ok, Mum!" I replied before starting down the row of houses.

Felix had been with a friend just five minutes from our home, so it shouldn't have taken long to find him. "Felix!" I yelled several times but never got a response. "Felix!"

I frowned, playing nervously with my hands as I looked between the buildings. I didn't like being out alone, especially when it was so close to sundown, so I decided to turn back and send Papa out to find him.

As I neared our house again, something shifted in the corner of my eye, but when I looked, nothing was there. I felt my hands heating up, a sensation I hadn't gotten use to or learned to control. I shook my hands, hoping it would go away but it refused to.

"Ha!" a voice yelled, grabbing my arms from behind.

I let out a scream and pulled away, spinning around. I held my hands close to me, trying to hide the flames that arose from them.

"That wasn't funny, Aaron," Felix scolded his friend as he came into view.

Aaron, however, wasn't paying attention to him. He was staring at me. "Witchcraft," he whispered.

That was when my brother noticed. I was trying to blow out the fire but it didn't even break a bent in the flame. "I can explain," he said quickly.

"What's there to explain?" Aaron replied viciously. "Your sister's a freak!"

"Don't listen to him, Cyrus," Felix told me quickly, then turned back to his friend. "If you tell anyone about this, you'll have to deal with me, do you understand?"

His voice was unusually threatening and his hand hovered precariously close to the dagger at his belt.

Aaron narrowed his eyes at my brother, but after a minute, nodded. "Fine," he said reluctantly. "But that doesn't mean she's any less of a monster."

Felix lunged toward him and he took off, running in the opposite direction. A moment passed before he turned back to me. The fire had disappeared but tears now rimmed my eyes. "I- I didn't mean to," I stuttered, scared by own magic. "I don't know what happened... I'm sorry."

He frowned and let out a breath. "It's all right," he reassured me. "It wasn't your fault; you'll learn to control it."

"B-but what if I don't? What if I am a freak...?"

He pulled me towards him, hugging me tightly. "You're not a freak," he said gently. "What you have- your powers, they make you special, Cyrus. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."

I nodded and we started walking back to the house. "Felix," I started.


I smiled up at him. "Thank you."

~Present Day~

"Felix," I called, walking into his apartment.

"Just a second, Cyrus," he replied from his bedroom.

I looked around the apartment. It hadn't changed all that much since Kian...

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