Chapter Twelve: Cyrus' POV

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Cyrus' Fate

Chapter Twelve
Cyrus' POV

I walked into the dark restaurant a few minutes late, glancing around, I spotted them at a booth in a back corner. I held my jacket tightly around me, feeling my baby squirm as I became more nervous about the meeting. 

Maybe this is a mistake.

I thought about just leaving, but they had already seen me. They were talking about me; I could tell. Hesitantly, I made my way to their table. 

"Cyrus, darling, we ordered you a drink," Cruella started. "You still like it on the rocks, don't you?"

I pulled off my jacket as she pushed a glass toward me. "Well, yes, but I um, haven't really been drinking lately," I replied.

She finally looked up at me, her eyes widening for a second at my large baby bump. "Oh dear."

"I'm surprised Ursula didn't tell you," I said, sliding into the booth next to Mal. 

Maleficent seemed tense, and oddly quiet. 

"I thought it'd be more fun for them to figure it out themselves," Ursula explained, sending a glare to Mal.

"Well it certainly was," Mal muttered, taking a sip of her drink. 

I glanced at her suspiciously, then turned back to the other two. "So what is it you want?" I asked.

"We have a little job for you," Cruella said. "It's quite simple really, just a bit of distraction." 

"Distracting who?" 

"That friend of yours," Ursula purred, leaning forward. "Peter Pan."

I tensed, crossing my arms. "What makes you think we're friends?"

"Well, you've obviously worked with him before," she said, and I noticed the slight glare she was giving me. "We want you to do it again."

I was quiet for a minute. "Why?"

Cruella gave an irritated sigh and roll of her eyes. "To get back our curse, of course!"

Ursula quickly scolded her. 

"You want me to steal back what I stole from you?" I raised an eyebrow skeptically. 

"You won't be doing the stealing, darling," Cruella said, seeming bored with me. "You just have to preoccupy him with... something else."

I made a face of disgust. "And what kind of 'something else' would that be?" 

Cruella looked me up and down. "You know what kind," she replied with a sly smile. "Distract him with your... femininity, darling."

I closed my eyes for a minute, taking a breath to keep myself calm. "Right, well," I cleared my throat, "I can't do that."

"And why not?"

I motioned to my stomach. "Well in case you haven't noticed, not only am I seven months pregnant, but I'm also twice his age, and married."

"It didn't bother you that you were married when you were with that Ian boy," Cruella commented.

"Kian," I corrected, feeling my face flush. "And that was after Jacob had left me. We're together again, and with two kids that I have to think about. I can't do it; find someone else."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Ursula demanded, clearly upset with me.

"Pan's a player," I stated. "He'll go for any girl that you put in front of him."

"We've tried that," she said. "It didn't work."

I tried to keep a small smile from showing. "Really? Well you probably just didn't get anyone pretty enough."

"But he already trusts you."

I laughed. "Like a loaded gun, he trusts me."

Cruella was visibly irritated now. "Like you said, Cyrus," she started, "you have two children to think of. So lets get to the point: If you don't do this, you could very easily be putting them in danger."

"Threatening my family is not how you get me to work for you," I hissed. "You know what happens to people who hurt my family."

"And you know what happens to people who defy us," Cruella snapped. 

I clenched my fists. "So, what all am I supposed to do?"

"Make sure he's busy so we can get the curse from him, and then keep him busy so he doesn't notice."

I nodded. "So... what? You want me to take him to a hotel? Out of town afterwards?"

"We were thinking to Neverland."

I was quiet as I thought about it. "Fine," I said. "But I hope you're not in any rush because I'm not doing this until after my daughter is born."

"Well obviously," Cruella said. "Who would go for a painfully pregnant woman?"

I let out a breath. "I also want four months afterwards, so I can spend a little more time with my family."

"Ok," Mal said quickly. 

"Um, excuse me? That's by no means 'ok,'" Ursula said. "You have until you recover from the delivery, no more time. You're throwing off our schedule enough as it is."

"Well I'm sorry that I didn't add your schedule in when I was planning my future," I snapped. "If you're going to make me seduce The Piped Piper, then I want the four months beforehand."

Mal looked at the other two, nodding. They sighed and relented. "That's all the time you'll have," Ursula said sternly. 


We didn't talk much longer, just a few more details about everything. Apparently, I'd have to keep Pan on Neverland for at least two months while they plan and cast the Curse. I didn't particularly care about why they needed the Curse or where they were going to cast it, so I didn't ask many questions about it. They were happy about that. I told them that I wasn't going to do anything below my dignity, just make sure Pan wasn't too worried about the Curse. And with him having to 'kill Neverland', I didn't think that would be very difficult. 

I pulled Maleficent aside before I left. "Promise me you won't let them hurt my kids," I said quietly. 

She looked at me, feigning confusion. "Why would I do that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, Mal," I started, "I know how sentimental you are when it comes to children." 

Her gaze turned my baby bump and she gave a small sigh. 

"I know my being pregnant is why you've been so quiet," I continued. "Please, from one mother to another, promise you'll help me keep them safe."

Slowly, she nodded. "I promise."


Hey, guys! Long time no see, right? I know it's been a while but I was stuck on this chapter for a long time. But I'm good now (hopefully)! Yup, right in time for school to start up again... I go back Tuesday. Not really looking forward to it but, it is what it is. 

I am going to try to have somewhat regular updates again. I've also been working on a new story. It's sort of a combination of two older ones that I posted and took down because I wasn't happy with them. I'm working on the eighth chapter now and am hoping to have ten before I start posting it. Working title right now is 'Chaotically United' and I'm planning on having that up sometime this month if you'd like to check it out. If it's any good, I was thinking about maybe entering it in this year's Wattys? I don't know though.

Ok, so happy New Year! 2016 went by really fast honestly, like, it really did haha. So, any New Year's resolutions? Mine is to become a happier/friendlier person (but it's probably not going to happen lol). So what are your guys' resolutions (if any)? 

Have a blessed day,

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