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"left foot green, luke!" ashton instructed.

the blond wobbled slightly as his brain fought against the alcohol in attempt to move his leg from the other side of the twister mat.

"shot or dare?" ashton asked, holding out the box containing slips of paper and a bottle of half empty vodka.

"dare," he grumbled, "i'll throw up if i drink any more."

chuckling, he pulled a dare from the box and handed it to the blond who stared blankly at it for a moment before reading it aloud.

"take off one item of clothing." he giggled. "okay, cal you choose which one."

shrugging, just as drunk as luke, he stuck his tongue out and pointed whole heartedly at the white and black striped shirt clinging to his torso, and within seconds it was dropped onto the floor next to the mat.

"your go," the blond boy smirked, "and please, cal, fall on this go. my head is spinning like crazy."

flicking the spinner, ashton grinned. he could see the sheet of paper which calum had filled out only an hour previously, sitting a couple of papers down from the top. the next turn, he would definitely be handing that to luke.

"right hand blue, cal. shot or dare?"

reaching out for the vodka, cal gulped down a huge, acidy mouthful of the liquid before moving his hand to the blue circle.

"oh god," he blinked, suddenly realising that maybe that was the last straw for him with the vodka. he felt like he could be sick any minute, but he tried to force the feeling down, knowing that his chosen dare would be coming up any time soon.

he couldn't really remember what he had written, but he knew it was something to do with the mouthwatering, shirtless twister god in front of him and that was enough for him to try to keep playing.

"your...go," he hummed out, head spinning too fast for him to keep up with.

he heard the clink of the spinner, followed by luke choosing dare and the piece of paper being pulled from the box. he could vaguely register the blondes deep voice reading out the words before looking up at calums shaking body, frowning.

surely, luke couldn't kiss calum when he was so vulnerable? plus, he was certain that the tanned boy would hardly remember it in the morning and that wasn't what luke wanted for his first kiss with calum. he knew he had to forfeit - it was the right thing for him to do. but why did he feel like this would be his last chance at a kiss with calum if he didn't do it now?
persuading himself it was the alcohol talking, he sunk begrudgingly to the ground, not looking up to see calums eyes widen and heart sink.

quickly, calum scrambled up from the floor, suddenly feeling too sick to function, and ran into the bathroom across the hall just about making it to the toilet where he threw up everything he had just drank. what a rubbish idea, he thought to himself as he knelt by the toilet, hugging it to him as he wretched.

"move," he heard lukes voice, before the blond boy hastily pushed him out the way, he too throwing up the entirety of the vodka he had drunk.

shakily, they both eventually stood to their feet and followed a completely sober ashton to his bedroom where a double bed sat in the centre of the floor, the duvet pulled back for them already as they both crawled in and curled up into a ball, passing out straight away.

calum only thought of one thing; he had thrown up and he hadn't even gotten the one thing he had wanted that evening.

a kiss from luke.

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