That Man (Ch.2)

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"How did he find us." i'm scowling in his direction.

"He probably followed us Mor." Adam said.

I blink and rub my eyes.

My eyes are swelling from the tears that are building up.

The memories are flowing in.

They are becoming so clear and familiar it's like they all happened yesterday.

When I am done rubbing them, Adam asks me where he was sitting.

I point at the bench and go speechless.

"What Mor, what!" Adam cries.

"H-h-he's, he's, gooooooooooone!"

"He might be coming over here." Adam whispers, afraid he is near.

"Mrs. Henderson, you must go! He could mistake you as our new mother, he might kill you. Please, go!" I whisper/shout.

She ponders the thought quickly. "Alright, but signal when he leaves and tell me everything that happened. To signal, whistle like a bird. I'll be at the park, and if I misshear, I'll be gone quicker then I left." She hops up and pokes her head out of the dark overhang. She blows a kiss and is long gone.

Heavy footsteps are heard. Slow heavy footsteps. You can see the people on the sidewalks are moving out of this persons way, terrified he'll hurt them.

He appears.

"Hello, children."

"Why are you here." I ask.

"Ah, you've grown up so much since the last I saw you."

"Why are you here!" I stress.

"I came to see you children. Also, I, this may sound not like me at all but, I came to apologize about your parents."


"NOPE!" He laughs really hard.

A lady standing behind him looks terrified, and she pulls out her phone.

"Hey! Put that phone away."

"NEVER!" She runs down the street.

Of course I would think that he was going to chase her.

But, he laughed and watched her run away.

"You thought I was going to chase her huh?"

"M-maybe." Adam studdered.

"Well, YOU THOUGHT WRONG!" He laughed so hard.

"Adam, don't."

Adam was 7. Whenever someone yelled at him, he couldn't help but to cry.

"Please Adam! Not right now." I whisper.

"I'm sorry." He sniffles and rubs his eyes.

The terrified lady we saw returns and is soon followed by the sounds of police sirens.

"There." She points at the man.

Two policemen come into view.

"Stop in your tracks sir!" One shouts.

"Who, me?" The familiar man says.

"Uh duh!" The other cop says.

"Why? I'm just helping the kids. I was giving them food and money. See, they have bread and money and water right next to them!" He lies.

"That's a lie! I caught a video of him harassing the kids and they already had the items!" The woman quickly shot back.

"I agree." Mrs. Henderson jumped into view.

"Henderson!" I said.

"You know them?" The second policeman asked.

"In fact, I do. They are orphans, and I found them here. I've been helping them as much as I can every day, giving them food and money each day, but there is no room in my house right now. I live in a small rental home with a husband and daughter. Two rooms. Not enough space for two more. I'd offer but I just can't make it happen."

"I believe you, and I believe my partner does too." The first cop responds and motions to the second cop.

"Uh, yes I do ma'am. Now, we are going to have to take you," The second cop motioned to the man.

"Whatever. How do you know I'm guilty?"

"Seriously?" Both women and cops say.

"Bye children." He slugs away with the cops.

"Mrs. Henderson!" I stand up and can barely walk over. "Thanks for helping. Sorry we never signaled."

"It's okay. I was watching from a distance."

"Okay. And, sorry, ma'am I don't know your name, but you too thanks for sticking up for us. It truly means a lot, and that is a lot coming from me. I'm sure Adam can agree." Adam nods his head.

"Does Adam ever speak?" The lady very kindly asked.

"Yes, but he hasn't spoken in months, he's a little rusty." I reply.

"Ma'am, may I speak to you, alone?" The previously frightened woman asked Mrs. Henderson.

"Yes, call me Marie." Marie said.

"Okay, kids, we'll be back shortly. And by the way, call me Gina, even though you might not ever see me again." Gina said.

They leave and cross the road. They head and sit on the park benches where the man was. They have a decent conversation, then return after a few minutes.

"Gina and I have come up with a solution." Marie says when they return.

"Yes, and you kids can decline. I am a single woman, but a I bought a new house, because I was about to get engaged when I found out the man was cheating, but that's besides the point. I have room for you two. Want to, you know, move in for a while? There is enough room for you guys, you can share a room, and shower, get new clothes, but it's your choice."

"Ma'am," I begin. "I would love to, but I think we are better off here, by ourselves. But thanks so much for the offer."

"Oh honey. Okay. If you change your mind, let me know." Gina said.


All of a sudden...

Hey guys! I'm so excited for this book, and i hope you are too! I got some feedback from my first chapter, and I am really happy. I am sort of a new writer, so I apologize if my writing isn't very good. I wanted to try a new type of "genre". Please leave your suggestions and feedback in the comments and please vote. Tell your friends! Also, idk why I'm just now updating!!! I'm sorry it's been so long 😭😭 I wrote this part a long time ago and never updated. Well, I'm working on more so be ready!!


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