Is it really you? (Ch.3)

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All of a sudden,

The man reappears.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Gina screams.

"I just came to tell you that the cops need you at their station for the video you took of me. I don't mean any harm."

"How can I trust you?" Gina snaps back quickly.

"Here." He pulls out a phone with the cops faces on it. He plays a video.

"Hello ma'am. we are here to ask that you please come and show us the clip. it is very crucial that you bring this to us, and we hope to see you soon. thanks." The video spoke.

"Fine." Gina huffed.

She followed the man back to the car and they left. Again, it was me, Marie and Adam.

"Hey kids, I'm sorry to leave. I have to get to work. I'll see you afterwards." Marie sighed at the thought of leaving.

"Mrs. Henderson, it's okay. We'll be okay." Adam implied.

"Oh! You two are just so responsible."

I nodded in thanks and she left.

Minutes passed until Gina once returned again.

"I have some news. Come with me."

Without any questions, we followed her.

It was the first time I've walked in a very long time. Adam and I were wobbly, we've just been sitting all these weeks.

"We were told some things that may or may not make you hate the world."

"What does that mean?" Adam questioned.

"It means, it could make us happy or very angry or upset." I explained.



We walked a little more in silence and made it to the police station.

I scanned the area.

Cop cars scattered the parking lot. There were few normal cars. Some men stood outside, others just inside past the wall.

Gina led us into the building and we immediately were given looks.

"We are orphans thanks." I quietly said to a man who couldn't take his eyes off of me.

"Moriah...." The man said in awe.

"That's me, I have to go." He looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't put together a face and name. I've seen so many, just sitting on the side of the road.

He might have been one of them.

We continued down a long hallway, getting more eyes as we passed each room.

Gina held open an interrogation room and we were given seats. We gladly took the opportunity.

"Thanks for joining us." The officer said.

"You're welcome officer." Adam shuffled his feet.

"Now, we have some news." Gina reported.

"Yes, and you better handle it well. It's pretty important." An officer labeled Jeff commanded.

"What's the news?"

Jeff and Gina looked at each other.

"Your father..." Gina began.

My throat began to close. I pushed back the tears.

"Is...." Jeff continued.

"Alive." They both sighed out.

"D-D-D-dad?" I whispered.

"Papa?" Adam said, in disbelief.

"We have him here. He was found a month after the first move and we asked him questions. We've been looking for you children ever since." Jeff had convinced Adam by this point.

"What about mama?" I hardly said.

"She, however, didn't make it." Gina replied.


"When you had left, you father passed out from shock, and was out for a while, we assume. He said, well, we'll let him say the rest."

Gina stood up after speaking and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, she reentered.

"Moriah. Adam. This is your father."

That was the man from before.

"D-dad." I jumped up and ran towards him.

He looked very nice. His hair and outfit was nice and clean, he had beautiful brown eyes, black hair.

Looking at Adam and I, you'd never be able to tell we were related with him. Our clothes, torn, dirty, not what they used to be. Our hair, dry, greasy, dirty, shaggy.

"Moriah. Adam." He squeezed us.

We talked for hours about what had happened, and the officer forced us to eventually get up. But not to leave.

"Moriah. Come with me, Adam you can keep talking with your dad. We'll be back soon."

She lead me into the lobby and into the elevator. We rose about 6 floors, then walked down another long hallway. This station was huge.

We entered a very large room that consisted of clothes, vanities, beds, and everything a basic bedroom would need.

But, there was yet another room behind it we entered. It was a bathroom.

"Now, Moriah. Get cleaned up. First, shower. Then when you are done, wrap yourself in that towel and come into there where I'll be waiting for you." She pointed to the towel and the bedroom.

"Thanks." She left and I began pulling off my clothes. They had been on me for so long that they had molded on me.

They weren't flowy, soft clothes anymore. They were hard and crusty.

I tried my best to shower as quick as I could. But it took about 15 minutes.

I throughly cleaned my messy hair until it was the smooth flowing hair it used to be.

Washing the dirt off of my face and body felt amazing.

When I turned the water off, I stepped out and dried my body. I wrapped my towel around my hair first and squeezed all the water out.

I placed the towel around my chest and headed out into the room. There, on each bed were two outfits, so I could pick from one of the four.

I chose an outfit that was a cute, plain gray tank top with white lace and white shorts.

Gina led me into the bathroom and we talked as she did my hair. She braided my hair into two and then used a flat iron on top of them.

She undid my braids to reveal my long, beautiful brown curled hair. Being clean really brought out my huge eyes. They were a beautiful hazel color. Unlike any seen before.

I wandered the room and waiting until Gina reappeared. She had left a few minutes ago to get Adam so he could do the same. Instead, she took him into the big room on the other side of the hall, a typical boys room. I was in the girls.

When we both finished we met in the hall.


"Adam." He was wearing a plain maroon shirt with black and white plaid shorts.

We grasped hands and walked down to meet our father.

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