Chapter 1

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Christina's POV

Ahh.. what a beautiful day! A nice, sunny yet kinda chilly Sunday at the mall with my sisters is pretty much one of the best things in life, especially after years of working on an album. Ahh... it feels so good to finally have a day off and being able to relax and hang out with friends and family. I love this so much!!


"Whoa, I can't believe we actually bought all of these clothes!" Amy exclaimed as we sat down around a table, at the food court. Katherine, Lisa, and Lauren put all of our bags on the floor next to their chairs and sat down right after.

"Am I the only one who's starving?" Dani asked us as she rubbed her growling stomach with her hand. We all raised our hands and nodded as an answer, except for Lauren, who JUST got over a pretty bad case of the stomach flu. Instead, she just shook her head and glanced at the brand new iPhone.

"Well, I'm gonna go get us some food at that Italian restaurant over there. What do you guys want?" Katherine questioned the girls and I as she slowly got up from her seat.

"I'll take a slice of cheese pizza!!" Lisa quickly answered back, a huge and childish grin on her lips. The way she responded made Amy, Dani, and I laugh, while Lauren just smiled a little. That girl sure loves her pizza..

"Same over here!" Dani told her older sister, in a-- unlike Lisa-- calm way. Katherine nodded and looked over at Amy.

"I'll have a bowl of pasta please." my little fun-sized cupcake said, with that famous smile of hers on her face.

"Make that two!" I quickly added in, loudly, causing some people to glare at me in a weird way and very oddly. Oops.

"And how about you, Lauren?" my younger sister asked the quietest and the shyest member of the group.

"I'll take a small bowl of pasta." my birthday twin lazily answered back as she put her hands on the table and gently rested her head on them.

"Hey, if you don't want to eat anything, you don't have to force yourself. Does your stomach still hurt?" I asked Lauren, genuinely concerned. I really hope that she's not getting sick again.

"I'm fine. I just need to go use the washroom real quick." she answered back as she stood up and ran to the bathroom. I watched her walk away until she completely disappeared from my sight before turning to my other sisters, who were in a pretty heated conversation/debate about who had the best solo in a song that I've never heard before. This should be interesting...


Katherine soon came back with not one, but two large trays full of food. She set them down on the table, sat down in her seat, and looked around her. She then put her eyes on me, with an eyebrow raised up.

"What?" I asked her, confused, and kind of creeped out for some reason.

"Where's Lauren?" Kath asked me, concerned and confused as well.

"She went to the bathroom like fifteen minutes ago" Lisa told us, joining in our conversation. Her voice was filled with fear and terror, and she definitely looked worried.

"I'm sure she'll come back soon. There's nothing to worry about." Amy said, trying to reassure us, when it was pretty obvious that she's just as scared as we are. Dani opened her mouth and was about to say something when we heard a scream. A high-pitched, horrifying scream. Lauren's scream. Everybody in the food court stopped eating or doing what they were doing and looked around the place. The girls and I exchanged looks before we all jumped up from our seats and rushed to the bathroom, not caring about the people in our way. When we got to the restroom, we saw the most disgusting ever. Stains of blood were everywhere, and there was also a large pool of fresh blood on the floor.

"Guys... please tell me this isn't Lauren's blood." Dani said, her voice shaking and trembling. She grabbed my arm and squeezed it. She was scared. She was horrified. I turned around and looked at her. She was crying and shaking really badly.

"Calm down, Dani. This might not be her blood. Think positive." I told her, my voice firm, calm, and strong, although I was shaking and screaming on the inside. She nooded and wiped her tears off her face.

"Lauren? Are you in here?" Amy said loudly as she pushed open every single cabin door. She wasn't hiding in any of them. Lauren was absolutely nowhere to be seen.

"Lauren..." I heard Dani mumble under her breath, behind me. Her grip on my arm tighten, and she started to sob again.

"Dani, please calm down, alright? We're gonna find her." Katherine told our youngest sister, in a motherly tone. I saw Dani nod like she understood her but she still kept crying.

"Guys, we should go look outside. There's an exit like right over there and there's blood leading up the way." Lisa told us as she pointed at a big steel door. We all followed her outside and followed the bloodstain on the floor.... to see a HUGE man dragging a teenage girl's body to his truck. The man was as huge as Hulk, gosh. The girl had long and straight brown hair, just like Lauren's, and she was wearing a blue baseball jacket.... exactly what Lauren wore today.

"Guys... that's Lauren."

Author's note: HERE IS THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THIS NEW VERSION OF WAPLU!! This story had the most votes!! I was honestly kinda expecting that because you guys already kinda know the story haha. AND I HONESTLY DO NOT REMEMBER HOW I FIRST STARTED THIS STORY SO IM SORRY IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS ONE!!


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