Chapter Thirty-Two: Last Goodbye

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A/N: Soo. This is officially the last chapter of the book! No worries! And epilogue will be made (: Its just the climax of the story already occurred, and I really want to start working on other stories for you guys! I will have a HUGE authors note as a whole separate section which will be posted right after this..! Enjoy xx

Mia's P.O.V

I stepped inside the empty stadium and looked around, hearing the soft, angelic voices of the boys harmonizing. It was so wierd being inside here with out the loud roars of people and trying ro squeeze through crowedes areas to get to your seats. It was actually quite peaceful.

I followed the nearby steps to the floor and looked around, admiring the flashing lights of the stage and the many crew workers adjusting any last minute problems.

I begin to head over by Anna who lost herself in a conversation with Nicole and Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend.

"Hey Mia!" Anna smiles, making the circle wider for me to step in.

"I'm nervous." I huff.

"Why!?!" Nicole asked. "You're life seems literally amazing."

"Just whats gonna happen after these last few days with Louis." I groan, watching the boys fool around while singing 'Up All Night'.

"Just go with him." Perrie smiles. "If I weren't with my girls I would be with Zayn everywhere." She blushes.

"Yeah, but I don't know.." I sigh. "What about you Nicole?"

"Go with him! Just don't forget about me." She winks, leaving me in a smile.

"I'll think about it." I huff.


"Louis." I whisper as I fell the tips of his fingers glide over the cold skin on my arm, trailing up and down lightly.

"Hmm?" I hear him respond.

"What if I did go with you?" I say, looking up at him, still lying my head on his chest.

I watch as a small smile creeps on his face, "I would love that."

"Really?" I smile.

"Of course Mia. I hate being away from you. You're literally all I can think about. When I see all those faces in the crowd I can only think of yours. The way your face lights up when your favorite song comes on the radio, or how you have this cute little snore when you sleep."

"Hey!" I laugh, sitting up and playfully pushing his shoulder.

"What?" He chuckles. "I said it was cute!"

I grab his hand in mine and trace my thumb over his skin.

"Are you sure you wanna go with me? The constant traveling. Barely and privacy." He questions.

"I can't be without you Lou," I whisper, leaning in and kissing his nose softly.

"But what about your friends?" He says, looking at me with concern.

"Well Rose is going, and I can always skype Nicole." I remind him.

"But we're leaving in 2 days love. Is that enough time for you?" He asked.

"I don't have much." I laugh, "And you can come with me."

"Right now?"

"Sure why not?" I smile, picking myself out of bed and running to grab my shoes.


I step inside my familiar bathroom and open to cupboards, my hands shaking uncontrollably as I reach for the half-filled bottle sitting inside. I grab a handful and throw them into my mouth, tears falling to the ground and my wrist dripping with blood. *this was a flashback*

"LOUIS" I scream.

I feel him rush besides me holding me in his arms. "Mia what's wrong?" He panics.

"I-I. I can't do this." I whisper, looking at my wrists.

"Shhh." He whispers, stroking my hair softly. "You're okay. It's in the past."

"B-but..." I trail off.

"Look, Mia. I wish I could have been there, tell you what you mean to me. But I was selfish, and cruel, and such a jerk. I never understood what you were going through at the time. I was so caught up in everything. And I'll be totally honest, it scared the shit out of me and I had no idea what to do. I isolated myself from the world because of what I did to you. I know you said you forgave me... But you almost took your life..." He said through red eyes.

"Don't blame yourself Louis." I tell him honestly, "You made my life perfect, gave me this." I say while reaching his hand on my heart. "You gave me a true heartbeat, ones that actually worth it."

I watch as a small smile creped up on his lips.

"You honestly believe that?" He whispers.

I stare for a while before answering, "Of course. Everything that has happened only made us stronger." And within that moment Louis and I were complete. As if just something clicked right then and there. A spark erupted in his bright blue eyes, and I'm sure mine did as well. I watched intensely as he pulls me into his muscular and his lips meet mine in a devoted passion and warmth the only kept deepening within seconds. Sadly to be erupted by the loud bang of my head colliding with the rim of the sink. A small giggle slipped out of my mouth and Louis pulled away.

"Maybe we should head out." He smiles, standing up and pulling me along with him.

I trail behind him and stare at the vacant building in sadness. The place I called home for 3 years. My getaway. The place where no food dared to enter, no happiness fulfilling it, nothing. Just blank white walls and my body dragging along in despair every moment, everyday, every second.

I feel Louis familiar hand swing around my waist and setting softly on my waist. "Will you miss it?"

A small smile tugs on my lips. "I think I will." I whisper. I slowly remember the first time I walked in this place. A new start. A new change. And knowing that all of those feelings will slowly drift away... Like the time I read a 5 book series on the kitchen counter all in one day, or the time I watched all the episodes of Pretty Little Liars and not daring to leave until my deed was done. All those good memories will fade, while new ones move in.

"But I'm ready to move on." I choke as a tear slides down my cheek and onto the wooden floor.

"Lets go love." Louis whispers while kissing the top of my head lightly and slowly pulling me to the front door.

"Goodbye," I manage to say, and just like that... I was gone. Gone from everything I once knew, and going in a new direction towards hope.

A/N: Soooooo? I know I'm queen of short chapters but whatever haha. I just want to say a quick Merry Christmas and such haha. The authors note will be posted next (: Epilogue will be posted Sunday. Just want to take some time on it mmkay? And I'm sorry if it's a little confusing. When she was in the bathroom she had a FLASHBACK of when she was committing suicide, so yeah. But thanks for reading. xx

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