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A/n: This was in the works for too long!! Sorry! Enjoy. x

Mia POV:

I grasp the pen between my fingers and began writing as my hands shook from all the medication I've been taking.

Dear Louis,

I hope you've been doing well these past few months. How's the boys been doing? And Rose and Taylor? God how I've missed you guys. I just sit here staring at the same walls and that boring Oak tree that has no leafs hanging from the branches. I think it's dead, but my caretaker likes to disagree with me. But where would I be without her? She's a sweetheart, at times. But I wish Alice would visit more often. She has those beautiful eyes like yours. I always remind her of that, she thinks it's annoying... But that's okay. So have you been singing still? I know you stopped a while ago, but I was hoping you started doing it again. How about soccer? Ever since you got arthritis you had to give it up, but you still never missed a game on the television. I still record them, hoping one day you'd watch them. Silly of me I guess.

I can't believe I've turned 89 yesterday, but I don't think I'll make it 90 sadly. Although I'd like to, my heart as grown weak without being held in your arms. Five long years I've dealt with your death. The hardest five years I've been put through. But I still feel your presence. I see you in the walls that surround me, in the bed in the place where you laid, and the pictures that sit on the coffee table in the corner. I see you everywhere. I see you in our daughter Alice, and little Lacy, oh how she's gotten big. But she's so beautiful like her mother.

Remember that day you asked me to marry you? And we were on every news channel and magazine cover for weeks and you went on that rampage to the pops, oh what a day. But thank you for not leaving. I was scared you would. Every day you'd say how much you loved my but I would just shake it off and worry more.

I just miss you. Miss you so very much. I can't bare with the pain much longer. Not only is my heart aching, but my arms are longing for your fingers to grasp ahold of me, and being able to hug you for hours on the bed and admire one another's presence.

On other terms, my care taker told me that my cancer has been spreading to multiple locations. It's just a matter of days till it hits my heart, lungs, or brain. By then I'll have only about a month to live. But I'm ready to go. Of course I'll miss Alice and my grandchild. But I'm ready to be there with you, and the boys, and girls. It's time. I'm just writing this to let you know. Perhaps I can visit your grave one last time before I'll be laying next to you. That empty slot just waiting.

I never intended this letter to be the way it is, but I'm just writing what my heart tells me, not what I think is right. My heart tells me you're a lifesaver, literally. If you weren't here I would've died ages ago. Depression was a lurking darkness that haunted me, and you were the sun light that scared it away. It was horrid. Absolutely horrid. But even at the worst times, I thought of you. Only you. So thank you, my hero.

I'll wrap this up now. My caretaker informed me to get dressed so I can see your grave. I asked her would this be the last time. She just frowned, and left the room. There truly is no hope anymore... But that's okay.

Remember that no matter what we have faced within our lives, ever second was worth it. Even when the badness shined in, and the good came out... We stayed together. And I love you for that.

I'll see you soon in heaven. I love you from all of my heart. Goodbye. xxxxxxx


I wrapped the letter up tightly and held it in my arms.

My legs shook as I slowly stood up. But before I had a chance to reach over to my dresser I felt my body shut down before my eyes. My frail body dropped as my heart sped up.

"Louis," I whispered. And before I knew it, I went to sleep for eternity.

A/N: Short and sweet my dears. Did you cry? I did a little, I'll be honest haha. I have a Harry Styles fanfic that will be up in a few days so PLEASE stick around for that! PLEASE. I'll update a lot!! So that should keep you happy. (: I love you ALL! And thank you for all the reads. Stay beautiful. ~Autumn

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