The truth uncovered

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"Now, you haven't answered my question, Jackie. Who is that lass?" Teague asked, nodding towards Snow who was sleeping in Jack's arms. Jack looked down at her, then at Teague, then at her, and then stopped at Teague. He grinned.

"I have no idea. All I know is that her name is Snow." He smiled. Teague didn't look too happy. "She looks exactly like you. Have you had something going on with another woman?" Teague smiled. He knew how many women Jack went with, but since the Fountain of Youth, there's only been a few here and there. Jack looked down at Snow.

"Everyone keeps saying that she looks like me." Jack frowned. He concentrated hard on Snow's features. As always, it was like looking in a mirror. "You dodged the question, Jackie."

Jack stayed silent for some time. "Well, dad, there was one woman. Apparently I was so drunk I didn't even remember when we did... it. I left her on an island 13 years ago." He admitted. Teague looked at Snow. "That would explain why she looks like you. And me too, actually."

Snow stirred in her sleep, and both men froze, locking their eyes on her. When she finally stopped, both released a sigh of relief.

"She did it again." Jack smiled to himself. "She lied to me by telling the truth."

Teague looked confused, but decided not to press on with the matter. "So, have you found out where you're headed?" Teague asked. Jack thought for a moment, before his face lit up like a little kid that just got a BRILLIANT idea.

"...Have you heard of a treasure... a treasure that can control the winds?" He whispered. Teague looked in deep thought, until he nodded. "Do you know where they are?"

Teague looked confusingly at Jack. "Don't you have the compass? Normally you would get the destination yourself, and information from me. Is it broken?" Jack fished out his compass from his coat, which was wrapped around Snow. He opened the compass, and Teague stared at it with curiosity until Jack snapped it shut.

"The girl?" "The girl."

"Well then," Teague began, holding up his mug of rum. "You're on your own this time, Jackie. Figure it out." Jack gulped, raising his mug of rum and clanking it against Teague's.

As soon as he was done drinking, Teague was nowhere to be found. "Just as always." Jack sighed. He wrapped his arms around Snow, and headed for the exit.


"Cap'n... Jack." A quiet voice said. Jack turned around, locking eyes with Snow herself, who seemed to just have awoken from her deep slumber. Well, it looked like she was about to go back to dreamland at any time

"Aye, lass? What be troublin' ya?" He said, as he walked over and sat on the bed. Her voice was weak, and her ankles was too damaged for her to be able to walk. She reached out her hand, and Jack grabbed it, holding it tightly in his hand.

"Can you... tell me one of yer tales?" She asked, eyes looking sleepily into his own. "Tales?"

"Aye. Tell me... what happened? Between Barbossa and you." Jack stared shocked into her eyes. But, how could he say no?

"Alright, lass. Listen real good. It all started when I made a deal with Davy Jones..."


Snow shot up from the bed, as he was telling the end from his third tale.

"...I helped William Turner stab the heart. It was the only way to save him. Davy Jones got lost in his own locker, as he was dragged into the vortex in the water. Now," Jack lifted her up into his arms, and walked over to the small window.

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