Chapter 10

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It was March. Flowers were blooming, grass was growing, and rain was falling. Ailsa stared out the window as the sky turned more grey. "Ailsa, pay attention!" her English professor said. "S-sorry, Professor.." Ailsa said and started paying attention. The class was loud, just as usually. Her head started to hurt. It felt as if somebody shot an arrow through her head but she stayed alive. It would be great if somebidy did kill me, she thought. The bright blue started turning darker and grey-er as the rain fell down.

The class ended, and it was time to go to another classroom. Next subject, History. "Great..." she whispered to herself and sighed. She didn't like History, at all. People passed her on the hallway. One boy bumped into her for no reason. She almost fell down, and he just laughed. Ailsa dusted herself off a bit and put her black earphones in her ears. She sat down and got ready. "Just a few more months..." she whispered to herself and continued drawing.

After school she called Freya. They agreed they would meet later that day. Ailsa's blue-grey day started turning more yellow and green. She was happy she will soon see Freya, her bestest friend.


The girls had much fun together. They went for a walk around town and talked about everything. They laughed a lot and made jokes and such. Ailsa thought her pink-yellow-green day couldn't be spoiled by something grey. But, she was late home. Her mum was very angry, although Ailsa was only 5 minutes late.

Ailsa went to her room, feeling blue and grey again. What did I do?, she thought. But she didn't know her mum wasn't feeling well. Mum went outside and lit a cigarette. Her eyes got watery and she started crying silently. She knew she overreacted and shouldn't have yelled at Ailsa. But she was very pessimistic about everything, unlike Ailsa. Ailsa always tried to stay optimistic, even when it seemed as if the world is falling apart. Of course, nobody can forever and always stay positive and optimistic. Her mum was filled with rage and sadness from all the years before. Just like Ailsa, she was battling with her own demons.

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