Harry - Like Titanic (Chapter 4)

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(Six months after the end of Part 3; your one-year anniversary is coming up, as well as the beginning of 1D’s next tour)

“How are you gonna do it?” The boys are all leaning toward Harry like eager kindergartners waiting for story time. “Do you have a plan?”

Harry tosses a small, dark blue box from hand to hand, his mind reeling. “Well, I was thinking I could do something a little more special. You know, like maybe sing ‘My Heart Will Go On’ outside her window.”

Niall strokes his chin. “Sounds solid, but why don’t you do something even bigger? We could sing the song during one of our concerts. Then you could bring her onstage and do it. Whataya say?”

Harry bites his lip and then shakes his head. “Thanks, but…I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Yeah, Niall,” Louis smacks him on the shoulder. “[Y/N] wouldn’t wanna be put on the spot like that. Just stick with your original plan, Harold. She’ll say yes in a heartbeat.”

Harry flips the box open, feeling like it’s the key to everything. “I hope so,” he says softly, eyes still on the box. He feels so sure and so ready about his decision and he only hopes you will too. He shoves his doubts away as he shoves the box back into his pocket.

“She will, Harry. Don’t worry about that stupid interview,” Liam says, as if reading Harry’s mind. He nods and gives Liam a grateful smile.

However, a figure standing by the boys’ room isn’t smiling at all. He rubs his temples in frustration and pulls out his phone, thinking he has to get this predicament taken care of before Harry ruins everything.

. . .

“No. No…NO! You idiot! God,” you cover your face with your hands in exasperation. “Seriously. Why do these people go towards the scary noise?! You don't do that!”

You shake your head as the girl in the movie climbs up to the abandoned attic.

“Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.” You and your friend clutch onto each other, your eyes wide in anticipation for the next jump scare.

Two loud knocks on your window cause you both to scream bloody freaking murder and flail off your bed.

You slowly peek over the bed, expecting to see a creepy ghost girl, to find—

“Harry?!” You hurry over to the window and let him in, quickly closing it to block out the chilly night air. Harry straightens his jacket and nods at your friend. “Hey,” he says, a little breathless.

“Really, Harry? Really?” your friend puts her hands on her hips. “Jesus Christ, don’t do that! We’re watching The Grudge!”

“Well, great! I’m just in time then. Feel free to hide behind my shoulder, ladies.”

You shake your head but smile. “Why are you here, babe? Our anniversary’s not for another week.”

“I know. I just wanted to see you. All time is precious after all.”

You beam at him, feeling your heart flutter. “You do know you can use the front door though, right? My mom has no problem with you.”

“Well, I figured climbing up the window would be more romantic.”

“Awww.” You lean in for a kiss but turn away at the last second. “Whatever floats your boat, bud,” you say, patting him on the back and walking away, leaving him with his lips still puckered.

“You are such a tease....” he says, pouting in disappointment.

Your friend pats the space  between you and her on the bed. “Well, come on then. Since you’re here, make yourself useful and protect us from the ghost lady.”

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