Harry - Like Titanic (Chapter 5)

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You dream of Titanic.

However, instead of Jack and Rose, it is you and Harry aboard the ill-fated ship. You dream of your first encounter on deck—you can’t help thinking how undeniably handsome he looks in suspenders—your first conversation, your first kiss…

And then it all shatters. Now all you can see is Harry, still as a statue. White as death. You know he’s gone but you desperately try to wake him anyway. You yell his name, your voice hoarse, and you shake his lifeless body, but it’s like trying to wake a doll; it’s futile.

You bring your hands to your face and begin to weep when his hand suddenly reaches out and claws at you. “I didn’t have to die,” his corpse hisses, the eyes rimmed with blood.

* * *


You jerk awake, choking on your strangled cries. You grasp your throat, breathing hard, trying to make sense of where you are.

It’s the overpowering aroma of antiseptics that confirms it. ‘I’m…I’m in…the hospital. I’m in the hospital,’ you have to chant this in your head to convince yourself this is reality, not the ship.

You let out a shaky breath, the nightmare already beginning to fade. That’s right. You’re in the hospital. Because of—

You then realize you’re clutching onto someone’s hand. Your eyes scan up the person’s arm until you see their face. It’s Harry. He’s lying under white sheets, his eyes closed, his body still…oh, God.

That same panic from the dream comes rushing back and you quickly look away.  Dead. Dead. He’s dead.

No.’ You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing the thoughts down. ‘No, he’s not dead. He’s fine. He’s fine…He’s—He’s not fine; look at him! Look at what you’ve done to him!’

You release Harry and clench your hands over your ears, wanting more than anything for your brain to shut down.

You don’t know how long you’ve been like this when someone gently touches your shoulder. You free your hands from your ears and you hear someone whimpering softly. You're not sure, but it's most likely you….

“Hey, hey,” Liam kneels down to your eye level and brings your hand back to Harry’s. “It's okay. It's all right, [Y/N]. He’s fine, see?”

You just stare at Liam, thankful, but hesitant to accept his comfort. You don’t deserve it. It was your fault….

But to hang on to your sanity, you just listen to him and lean your cheek into the palm of Harry’s hand, relishing the warmth.

Yes. Yes, he’s alive. That's what's important.

. . .

It takes him a while, but Liam finally convinces you to meet up with the guys and your friend in the waiting area while he takes over watching Harry.

You don’t feel right leaving him but you have to admit you’re starving—you can’t even remember the last time you ate. You stop by a vending machine before making your way to the others.

You take your time making a selection, afraid to face everyone. You feel as if you could break down any minute and you don’t want them to see you like that.

As you reach for the bag of chips in the slot, you hear two voices coming up the hall. You instantly recognize one of them and your face grows hot with anger. What is he doing here?

“—not let this get into the media,” Stanley Clarke insists.

“Why? You know the press will find out eventually. He’s injured, for God’s sake. Besides, the guy’s a hero; he did save his girlfriend—”

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