Chapter 2- Jake

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A/N: Thank you Hermione_GryffindorX for the wonderful cover that you made! Also this song fits for what happens to them later in the story.

As Jake was getting water, the bell rang. He started towards class, but then noticed Brittany headed towards the back exit. What is she doing? Jake wondered. He was going to find out.

Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

She spun around and glared at him. "Like it's any of your business," Brittany said coldly. She then pushed open the doors and walked outside.

Just then a teacher walked by.

"Thinking of skipping school are we?" the teacher asked.

"No ma'am," Jake replied, "but I know someone who is. May I have permission to leave to get them back?"

The teacher nodded. "Very well then," she said and then walked off.

This should be fun, he thought.

He pushed open the doors and walked out to see Brittany's car driving away. He quickly got into his car to follow her.

A little ways into the drive, he saw Brittany pull into a small abandoned lot, so he did the same.

He got out of his car and waited for her to do the same. It took her a second, but she finally did. He noticed her fists were clenched tight beside her. Oh great. He better choose his words carefully.

"Why are you following me stalker?" Brittany asked him.

"My name isn't stalker, it's Jake, Jake Greene," he stated. This girl was not going to call him something that was not true.

"Whatever, JAKE the stalker," Brittany rolled her eyes, "what do you want?"

"I want to know what you are doing," he stated evenly, "you know you are skipping school?"

That was obvious, he just wanted to know if she thought she was doing anything wrong.

"Nooo," she said sarcastically, "I had no idea!"

Okay, he had that coming. But he pretended he didn't hear it. "I am going to tell the principal about this."

"So, you're a goody-goody and a stalker. Great!" she said, again, sarcastically.

Again with the names! Jeez! Well he wasn't exactly helping the situation very much either, so...

"There is one way I won't tell anyone about this," he said. Yeah right! Like she would care. She's the bad girl!

"Whatever. So what is it anyway?"

Well that was an unexpected reaction. "Come back to school right now." He mentally slapped himself. He wasn't thinking when he spoke. Like she was going to listen to that. You idiot!

As expected, Brittany turned on her heels, got in her car, and left. Jake figured he should follow her and try again. Was it weird that he knew exactly where she was going? He hoped not.

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