A serious problem with Kuroo.

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-Kuroo's POV-

"Hey mom! Can I go out to play?" I asked mother "sure sweetheart just don't hurt yourself!" She replied quickly as I grabbed a volleyball and ran out the door "should I go find a person to play with me.....? Hmm.....nah I don't think anyone is here anyways." I say to myself as I run to the park to play. I go to the play ground and start tossing up the volleyball and spiking against a wall somewhere close to the park....and that's when it hit, a sharp pain in my chest flared through my body and it felt like my heart wanted to rip out of my body I collapsed and was grabbing my chest. The people all around me rushed over shaking me yelling at another to call a ambulance more kids gather and then pitch black...I passed out and the next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed connected to a big machine with wires and tubes connecting to my body a mask over my mouth "w-whaa......?" And I pass out yet another time.

//HIIII GUYS ITS THE ADMIN!!! X3 anyway this is chapter 1 and its in Kuroo's POV I actually learned how to use POV so ya better be happy X3 this novel is a continuous one. So that means I'll update this book every week and I'll tune in and give you guys heads up ^°^ admin out!\\

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