chapter 8

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Jess pov

"So you're pregnant?" 

I awkwardly sip on the straw in my drink, unable to reply with a simple "yes."

Hannah's eyes widen. We were hanging out at a cafe nearby Calums house, and we were in a booth, Hannah sitting comfortably on her boyfriends lap. 

"Oh god, Jess. That's naughty!" 

I groan, its not like I haven't heard that one before. Calum doesn't give off much of a reaction, which I don't know whether it's a good or a bad thing. Good that he doesn't make me feel like a collosal mess up, but bad that he could have expected that of me.

"I don't know what to do guys. I think I'm going to put the baby up for adoption." I finally announce whats been going on in my mind.

Hannah gasps, and Calum stares at me as if I were an alien.

"What? N-no, you have to keep it!" calum splutters, slightly pushing Hannah off her. He leans against the table and stares at me deply.

"Look, Jess. I was adopted, and I felt like my real parents didnt care at all. It was stuoid because they must have a good reason as to why they put me up for adoption, but its just really shit ya know? Please, don't do that."

"What else am I going to do Calum?" I cry desprately, "I have no other options."

"Yes you do!" Hannah relatiates. "You can keep it and raise it as your own child. Or, or you could just do one of those things where one of the parents leave the baby with the other and run, so the other parent is forced into looking after it!" You would think that was a joke, but the way she looked at me showed that it actually wasn't.

"I can't do that, Han! How on earth - what world are you living on where that's an acceptable thing to do?"

"And adoptions acceptable? At least with that they will know one parent. Double standards much." I groan at his comment, and get up.

"You know what? I don't have to hear this- especially from you two!" And with that I stormed out. I'm so angry. How dare they think they know what's best for me and my baby? It is in my stomach so I have complete permission to do whatever I want with it.

Though if I was going to be so pissy about it why did I tell them? Ugh, pregnancy hormones are already controlling me.  Checking the clock in a nearby shop, 5:30, I think it's best that I come home now. They don't know where I am, in fact I didn't even tell them that I'll leave, so they will be pretty confused and worried. I do feel bad on my behalf, but I had to get out of there. If Luke was being so romantic with his girlfriend I couldn't bare it.  I turn the right corner into the alleyway, where a bunch of teenagers were hanging out. Warily, I walk past them, hoping to not get caught. It is quite late, and in England you never know whether they will attack. I just about made it, until a girl pulls at my shoulder.

"Well, lookie here," the girl snarls, "You look like you're going to give us money."

My heart pounding at 100 beats per minute, I fish through my jeans and cardigan pockets. "Uh, yeah, sure." I only have £10, so I hope this is enough. When I give it to her, though, she eyes up my ring. My mothers ring. When I was 16, Michael and I had been searching through our family box when we found my mothers favourite ring. She used to wear it all the time.

"Give me your ring." she orders, nodding towards it. I wrap my hand around my finger defensively.

"Please, can I just get passed?" I whisper in distress. "I'm pregnant, and this is my mums ring she always wore before she died. Just - please."

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