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Linked by Philyra912
 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Romance, Draco M., Hermione G., Words: 61k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 920, Published: Jun 18, 2005 Updated: Jan 5, 2006
 2,542 Chapter 20: Out of the Shadows of Nightmares
A/N: Hello again all! Sorry for the slight wait on this chapter. I've been crazy busy lately.

For those of you who read the last chapter before I reposted it, you should know that has ffnet instated a new rule in which authors are not allowed to give personal responses to reviews. Because I don't want my story to be deleted, I have gone through and removed all the review responses from previous chapters, and will not include responses in any future chapters. I want you all to know that I am furious about this, and that it is no reflection on you guys. I still want to hear everything you have to say, and I still appreciate your feedback more than you know. I'm hoping that this is only a temporary thing, and that the moderators will see reason and change this rule. Until then, I just want to say that I love all of you and still want to hear from everyone.

Quick answer to a question I've gotten repeatedly in reviews: Many people have asked why Draco and Hermione don't just go to Snape and get him to help them. The answer to this is because, although my story was tossed firmly into the realm of AU by the events of HBP, I have tried to avoid any blatantly non-HBP compatible scenes or events since the book came out. You will therefore not hear mentions of Dumbledore or Snape anymore because I simply don't feel comfortable as a writer at this point in so obviously going off into my own little world with complete disregard for canon. I wasn't willing to rewrite what I'd already written in order to make it fit with HBP, but because this story was never intended to be AU, I'd just like to avoid going directly against the Harry Potter universe as written by JKR. I don't mind ignoring it, but I don't really want to oppose it.

Anyway, on to the chapter!

Chapter 19: Out of the Shadows of Nightmares

For a long time, Draco simply lay there, staring into the darkness and willing his heart to stop racing. He made no move to reach for his wand or light the lamp on his bedside table, half-afraid that the light would reveal a gray bedroom and haunting, sapphire eyes.

He'd had many nightmares in his time. Sometimes he was forced to relive real-life terrors, and other times his subconscious found more original images with which to torment him. Never had one shaken him so badly, or left him with so many questions. He knew he would not be able to sleep again that night. At the moment, he felt as though he would never sleep again.

Throwing back his blankets, he sat on the edge of his bed, gathering the immense courage required to reach out, grab his wand, and mutter "Lumos." He let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding when the dim glow revealed green satin sheets on his bed and multi-colored books scattered on his desk.

This was not the twilight world of his dreams. No dark, accusing eyes gazed out of the many shadows. No pitiful sobs echoed off the room's stone walls. Somehow, though, he had an overwhelming, paralyzing fear that all that was on the verge of changing, and that at any moment he could be plunged back into the shadows of his nightmares. He couldn't stay there, not for another minute. He threw on a pair of dark jeans and a black sweater, wrapped a cloak around his shoulders, and went out the door.

As good as Draco was at being the center of attention, he was even better at remaining unseen. Despite a near run-in with Filch, he was able to slip out the front door with little more trouble than he might have had if he'd walked outside in broad daylight. He was going (somewhat predictably, his inner voice snorted derisively) to the lake.

A chilly breeze blew off the water, blowing his hair off of his face. It was just cold enough to be uncomfortable, but he welcomed it, even relished it, because it gave him something tangible to focus on besides the dream. He was going to think about it, he was, but he wanted a few moments of peace first, a few moments in which there were no blue eyes to haunt him, no nightmares to plague him, and no silly, compassionate Mudblood girls to confuse him.

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