chapter 10 part 2

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I can't remember their faces but I remember afterwards the man who brought me to Toushiro, my foster father. The man had blue hair and eyes. He called himself Amaye. He seemed nice and caring but sadly I never say him again. Toushiro told me he died when I was 8, I wish I got to know him better.

When I woke up Nya was asleep leaning against me. Felt really awkward having a girl sleep against my shoulder.

Kiba came in and said "Lucky you that fire chicks pretty hot. I'd date her but I'm pretty sure she hates me."

"She is cute but she probably hates you."I said

"Thanks... Dude how do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"you know"


"Pick up chicks."

"I don't go around doing that!"



"Bro everywhere you go girls be likin' you. Just date one already."

"Why don't you get one yourself?"

"That's why I'm asking you!"

"Man I wish I could punch you."

Nya then sat up and said. "Man you guys could shut up so I could sleep."

"Oh sorry..."

"To late I'm up. So what were you guys talking about?"

"Man stuff you wouldn't understand." Said Kiba

"Never mind."

I looked outside it was still raining. We had to wait days for the rain to stop and we could leave. I hung out with Nya most of the time. Found out some cool things about her and the fire kingdom. In the fire kingdom they celebrate the creation of the world with these fly objects they blow up and shoot colors, lighting up the skies at night. Their called fireworks. They sounded cool. Her favorite food was this baked good called cake. Super sweet covering and inside fluffy and sweet. All this wasn't important things but I found it interesting how different the fire kingdom was to the ice seemed really fun.

After the rain cleared up we rode our familiars to where they were keeping our friends. Freaze and Wolvern had to ride with Kiba because he didn't have a familiar that could fly. I looked down to see a prison surrounded by trees. Once there and on the ground Rin put his hand on the gate and said "I can sence a few life forms but not many. It's weird. I thought there'd be more. "

"Sure there's no traps?" asked Nya.

"Nah just hurry up this is no fun."

I could sense someone above. I looked up and saw Cole chilling up on the roof waving to me to come up.

"I'll head in after you guys, ima go take a piss." I said running off to the side of the building out of there sight.

From there Cole hopped down.

"Why'd you take my friends?!" asked

"Seto payed me to. Not to hurt them or anything just bring them here." He said


"Seto, Seto Shiki. You don't know him?"


"He seemed like he knew you. Well I hope you don't hate me, man."

"I don't really like hating, as long as you didn't hurt them there's no reason to."

"Thank you, you're a good guy. So have you thought about joining my group?"

"I completely forgot about your offer... sorry. Now that I think about it I'm a lot weaker than you guys. They all use some forbidden magic of some kind, all I know is ice."

He then grabbed my hand and put a soul stone into it. "Here come to me when you're ready. Your stronger than you think just gotta figure out who you really are. Good luck." He started sinking into the ground." Hope you can forgive me so we can be friends."

He disappeared into the ground. Once gone I ran back to the others. Rin was siting down tossing rocks at trees.

Everyone came out except Guren.

"Are you guys alright?!" I asked.

"We're fine. They were waiting for you guys to come but seems they gave up on waiting and left. It's weird." Said Zone

"Thank you." Said Yuuki.

Zone whispered to me "Whys Nya here and not trying to kill us?"

"She helped us in hope of finding her friend to but it seems he not here." I said

"Oh cool. Well it's nice to meet you ma 'me. Thank you for helping my friends and us. I'm Shou Zone." He said to Nya

"Nya Phenix, It was nothing." She replied. "Do you know where Guren Kai is?"

"Sorry I don't"

"Setos gonna be pissed."

"Seto Shiki?" I asked.

"Yeah... You know him?"

"No just heard of him from Cole. The Seto guy set this all up."

"He messing with us. That's just how Seto is. I hate it."

"We should head back to my place." Said Rin

We all flew there but Zone rode with me. Once at the caves of Dacurus I sat on the cliff looking down at the world, the view was really nice. The sunset just beautiful. Nya sat beside me looking out at the world below.

"I gotta go back to the capital tomorrow."

"I'm probably going back to the base I'm assigned to."

"After today we'll be on opposite sides, I fire, you ice. Guess this would happen sooner or later. It was fun but everything has an end it seems."

"We can still be friends right?"

"Yeah but if I do anything that hurts your feelings, just know I don't mean it. I gotta act like you're the enemy. We can't meet up like this anymore, this I can't hide from my little brother." She pulled by the collar and kissed me." I still think you're cute." She got up and started walking away.

What just happened? What...I can't think straight. I just got kissed by a girl! I've never been kissed by a girl before! What do I do or say?! God I truly am an idiot.

"Uh Nya wait." I'm such an idiot. Then I noticed above me was a back figure in the sky, its eyes looking straight into mine. I could hear it say "Goodbye."

Immediately the ground started shaking making me slip off the cliff Nya ran over as quick as she could and reached out to grab my hand. Reaching out she missed my hand.

Now what do I do. I can't fly without Sora. Im dead and never found out who I really am.... Who I could've became, what I would've became... My end, end of my life my story..... End of me.....Chohaku Wolf


AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry for the wait guys it takes time to type and that's not somethin i always have.

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