The Black Lake

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Miss Rachel Delacour didn't have a bunch of friends except for Draco and Harry. Draco has been flirting with her a lot. They haven't been dating, but just a weird friendship. But hardly anyone bullied her if Draco was around. Hermione bullied Rachel before Harry says "Stop Hermione. She is my friend." Rachel is extremely  nice to her, but Hermione tries to bully her every second of the day that Rachel is starting to be a bit afraid.
It happened one day, when Rachel was walking with Harry and Ron.
"You know they only like you because you're good looking, right?" Sneered Hermione. Rachel started tearing up, Harry and Ron's arms around her waist as she slowly shakes her head.
"Ha! You're too full of looks that you don't have enough room for brains!" Hermione spat.
Draco saw this, and came running towards Hermione.
"She put Rachel in Ravenclaw. Not you. And she is the best student in her year. Not you. And she is perfect in every single way. Not you." Draco spat back. She came up to him, and
Draco had a red mark on his cheek where Hermione slapped her.
"HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER! DONT YOU DARE HURT MY FRIENDS!" Rachel yelled. Harry and Ron was wide eyed at Rachel, and she smirked.
"Come on Draco. Let's go." Rachel said, putting an arm around his waist, since she couldn't reach his shoulder. He is so tall!
"I'm sorry for Hermione slapping you. People usually don't see that side of her. She talks to me like the devil. I am truly sorry." Rachel said. They both stopped walking, and Draco cupped Rachel's cheek in his hand, and she snuggled in it like those really cute movies.
---Draco's POV---
We both stopped walking, and I cupped her cheek slowly, and she kind of snuggled it. I don't know how to explain it, but it was one of the most adorable things I've ever seen in my life. I had a strong desire to kiss her. Instead, I hugged her as tightly as I could. She hugged back. I just wanted to stay here, hugging her, staying close to her, always. My grip on her tightened, for that was possible. I started tearing up of the thought leaving her. She started to pull away. That just made me tear up more.
"Dragon, what's wrong?" She said in her delicate voice that makes me want to tell her everything.
"I–I just don't want you to leave me." I said.
"You'll have me Draco, always and forever." Rachel said quietly.
"Oh you're so bloody perfect." I said, hugging her as tightly as I could again. Oh I just wanna kiss her, ask her to be mine. Keep her close to me forever, even when I'm older, ask her to marry me. My hands were shaking as she pulled away. She looked so small, so fragile, so fragile as thin glass.

Just kiss her mate! Just do it!
What if that ruins our friendship? She is my one true friend!
She wants it mate! Look at her eyes! She is begging for it!
What if she likes someone else? What if she likes Potter? Or Weaslebee? Or Wood?
Come on! She loves you! She is begging for you! Come on! Even you want it! Take her before someone else does!
I can't! It's too soon!

Her legs were shaking, she was looking so innocent, like something you would want to hold on to forever.
"Want to go to the black lake?" She asked.
"Erm, I was hoping we could go to somewhere private." I responded honestly.
"Okay." She said.
I ended up taking her to the Slytherin dungeons. She was shaking, freezing. I didn't even have my cloak on, so I just put an arm around her.
"D-Draco? Is this s-safe?" Rachel asked.
"Of course. You'll be fine, I promise." I said.
"Pureblood." I said the password.
"Very well." The painting said.
It opened the door, down to the common room. She was very intimidated. She was shivering like crazy.
"T-this is v-very s-scary." She said, very afraid.
"Nothing is going to hurt you if you're with me." I assured.

An: and... Cliffhanger! I'm sorry I use the name Rachel a lot. I'm trying to build my confidence. I've been lacking it. So yeah.. Ermm... Ba bye

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